Monday, December 02, 2013

Mother and Daughter

Can you tell she has an Apple product that takes pictures?

She will be ticked that this is the one I used and not the "good" picture of me.  But, I can't find that one.  My hair looks nice.  We're both staring at the computer screen.

Now we are on the steamroller ride into Christmas.  No stops.  I worked greenhouse on Friday all day, then retail until 11pm on Saturday and up at 7 for a full day at the greenhouse.  My back was pinging and I thought it would seize up.  I showered, ate some T'day vegetables and stuffing and sat down on the couch.  Last thing I remember was eating my final slice of pie.  Then G shook me awake at midnight so I could go to bed.  Took me awhile to fall asleep again.  I finally got out of bed at 10 this morning (to let G in the garage door).

He's having the exhaust system on the Jeep repaired.  The carpenter was here with his bill.  Yikes. The kitchen designer wants a meeting.  I need to pick out and order my new cooktop, oven and microwave.  This week I am working Tuesday to Sunday.  Today is my only day off.  I paid all the other bills, made up a deposit ticket and G wants to know if I want to go into Portland to Whole Foods and Trader Joe's.  I'm thinking I do.

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