Monday, November 18, 2013

Hip Pain

Today was my doctor's visit and I had a list ( a litany of misc. things that are plaguing me right now) and recited it all out, in no particular order.

See the inflamed bursa?  That's what I have.  It is, in fact, getting better, very slowly.  It hurts a great deal if I sit down for too long.  Walking is painful after I have been sitting.  It hurts most when I am trying to find a comfortable spot for sleeping.  My doctor gave me an opiate.  Yes, indeed.  It should dull the pain, but not cure it.  Right now I resemble one of the cowboy sidekicks in old time Westerns.  The one who got kicked by a few too many horses and had to limp and hop to keep up with the sheriff.

My blood pressure was 134/90.  See, not taking the Aleve for the last week, while painful, helped lower one of the BP numbers from 150 to 134.  Now, if I only knew what this meant.

The rash?  Not visible so can't be diagnosed.

I also got a flu shot and had a great deal of blood taken.  Getting a good vein was nearly impossible but, with teamwork, the lab people found enough blood but it took so VERY long that G was worried I had been taken to the ER.

Then we had breakfast.  By 10:30, it was nearly 15 hours since I had the banana and half a peanut butter sandwich that I called "dinner" on Sunday.  I did NOT have any of the Open House Cookies.  I did have about five chunks of fresh pineapple.  For once I made an effort to engage the Open House crowd in conversation.  Nice ones.  Nice people.  It was a very good holiday open house.

And that's where we are right now.  After breakfast G and I went to LLBean to buy some things.  I got an on sale down vest with a fake fur collar that G said looked very nice with my hair --and really I should look nice for him, right?  I got waterproof leather shoes to wear to the greenhouse (no wet socks), two paperwhite waffle knit pullovers to layer so I can stay warm and a pair of black corduroy pants to wear with all the black things in my closet (too many). I also purchased a cardigan in a pretty floral print on gray background and a light thermal vest to layer under my other coats on really cold days--or alone on not so cold days.   It was raining all night and right now--it's 55 degrees and sunshine.  One week before Thanksgiving. In Maine.  I walked around in Freeport in a linen blouse--no coat.  Yes, I had pants on.

G and Riley are out on a walk.  Yesterday they saw a Great Dane and his head came up to the middle of G's chest.  Riley didn't know what to make of it.  White with black spots.  The GD wanted to play but Riley was hesitant.  I think I am going to sit on the couch and read my book while the washer does a few loads of clothes and then a load of Riley's dog toys.  Moo looks very dirty.

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