Saturday, September 07, 2013

Yard Sale Day-- September 7th

No Pictures.  The day began at 6 am and I got home at around 2:30.  I carried my cereal and coffee to the sale.  We (my daughter and I) didn't even put price tags on anything.  We usually sell 80% of everything for 25 Cents anyway.  And still made $164.  Too funny!

The most interesting sales items today--the usual box of McDonald's toys and a hat.  S and I said we should have given each other a nickel every time someone touched that hat.  No one bought it.

My best sale?  A record/tape/CD player for the change in a teenage boy's pocket.  His idea.  And I did give him grief about it and made him beg a bit--but, I sold it to him.  He said he'd never forget me.  And I think that might be true.  It'll be a good story to tell.  I think he had $1.75 in silver and a handful of pennies.  Truth be told, he could have gotten it for 25 Cents.

I sold a snowblower for $5 to a guy whose wife was furious.

One woman came back five or six times and bought a few dolls each time.  S and I were selling the souvenir dolls her father brought home from all the countries he visited.  Brussels was the last one--all that lovely lace.

I brought my crewel work vegetables (in frames) back home, a Japanese doll (which was very cute) and the doll house dresser (which we shouldn't have been selling) and the remainder was loaded on the truck headed for Goodwill.  G said there was a line of cars and trucks with stuff for Goodwill when he got there.  All looked like they had had garage sales and the Goodwill employees weren't even looking at stuff just hauling it inside. I hope most of it was good.  Our bad stuff went to the dump or into our recycle bins.

Work tomorrow.  Dentist on Monday.

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