Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Instant Updates On the Construction- Day One

Two hours in and they have found the biggest infestation of Carpenter Ants they have ever seen.  We used two cans of wasp spray and now I mixed up a sprayer full of Carpenter Ant poison.  They are removing a much wider area of beams and roof.  And the sky light may be compromised (by the ants).

Contractor Report: Smashed at least 100, possibly more, 1.5 inch Queens up there in the rafters.  Ants poured out of the insulation when they pulled it.  The Ants have made tunnels thru all the beams.  Like "swiss cheese".   He said it was like those horror movies where the bugs pile out like a river at top speed. OMG!!!!

I'm thankful that I found a second job for the holiday season.

I'm going to work.  They have gone to lunch leaving the spray to do it's work.  They said it was killing them fast (I mixed it strong and stinky).  We (all four of us) are surprised they aren't coming into the dining room through the beadboard ceiling, but it's early days.  We still might need to call an exterminator.

I have nothing good to say about whomever built the chimney and the cricket behind it.  Unfortunate Design as our insurance agent described it.


  1. OMG Joanne-so creepy. We had an attic full of carpenter bees and had to have the fascia removed replaced with composite board-they only like real wood.
    before that we had an exterminator come back 3 times at an enormous cost and those darn bees just would not die. Looking at the wood they removed was like looking at an ant farm magnified.
    fingers crossed for you.

  2. Another OMG from me! Ants and bees seem to be the bane of home owning as we also had to replace part of our house due to carpenter ants. Just, ugh,ugh,ugh!
