Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Why Tuesday Is Always Interesting

I never know how things are going to turn out (at work) on Tuesday.  Monday was difficult.  Not enough employees (working) who actually knew how to do anything.  Yes, we have employees who don't absorb information.  They just exist.  Take up space.  Live happily, never noticing that life could be so much more.  Like when you can help a customer.

That was Monday.  A struggle.  I worked with a woman from "away" (New York City) who was so indecisive that she needed 30 to 60 minutes each morning to decide on her breakfast (her words).  I spent 2 hours with her and was shaking with frustration by the time I walked away from her at the cash register.  She never stopped talking.  Do I want this.  Or this. Or that.  Or this. Tell me what to think?

Tuesday.  Today.  So many employees.  I mean, actually, I was redundant.  Not needed.  I had to find busy work to stay occupied.  Others asked if I would take their place so they could go home.  I said yes. Anything to be occupied.  But it was only in jest.  If anyone was going home--I wanted it to be me.

But there were pleasant surprises.  The owner of a riverside restaurant brought me sweet potato fries when she arrived to pick up the second load of annuals for her dockside barrels.  I had been dedicating myself to protecting her petunias from the grabby hands of other customers, who were intent on buying what I had ordered for her.  It didn't matter how many SOLD signs or red ribbons were attached to the cart of flowers.  I stood there with arms wide.  Saying NO!  The fries were delicious when I finally got to eat them, cold, for lunch.

A co-worker went to McD's for a "coffee run" and got me a $1 iced coffee.  Double cream and no sugar.  Decaf.

Tuesday had a real "party" atmosphere today.  I even got 6 pastel eggs from a co-worker's chickens and a jar of strawberry jam she made herself.  I wonder if Tuesday was actually THAT GOOD or was it just NOT Monday????  What do you think?