Thursday, April 18, 2013

Intermediate Update

The carpenter and roofer were here.  We are now educated in STRUCTURAL DAMAGE.  Not the chimney or the cricket.  The Structural Integrity Of The House.  On the south side.  The insurance adjuster hasn't been yet.

One guy called it "Architectural Misadventure".  Someone built something that should not have been built.  No venting.  So moisture, in the roof, collected for the entire life of the house.  G has to stop taking down the chimney since he risks the whole roof--cathedral -- and skylight (huge) falling in.  On us.  Since the only thing holding up that side of the roof---is the chimney. Well, half the chimney. And it's not even a structural part of the house.

Really.  The roof caving in.  Where we sit to eat breakfast, dinner and read the paper.  All these years.

Does it get any scarier????  We are the luckiest, stupid people in the world right now.  Not squished.


  1. We've had a number of house adventures over the last 10 years...*knock wood*, none in this house. I guess the bright side of all of this is that you found it in a good season, before an 'event'. Good luck with all that.

  2. Yikes! I know all that needs to get fixed racked up huge costs but I'd rather know that you're safe. Unfortunate when you think of the money, but very lucky that it was caught before any accidents happened.
