Monday, March 11, 2013
And This Is The Last Time, Today, That I Try And Post
The plans for the light stand for Diane. The plan makes a double wide stand (two shop lights) but the directions I sent by email were for a single. But you can see how it's supposed to go together. by the way, we found the shopping bag with the elbows, tees and spacers. Right out there on the sunporch--where it is supposed to be. Duh!!!!!
Here are my little onions and leeks. They are getting bottom watered and then will return to their very "up close and personal" 16 hours under the shop lights as soon as they are wet enough. G has the lights hanging in the rather large plant stand he built for me when we lived in Chicago. It was in the basement there and could take up as much space as it wanted. Now it's on the sunporch. That's my snow covered vegetable garden out back, thru the windows. So, I am not using the PVC stand I showed my customers at work.
I had my 6 month tooth cleaning at the dentist today. A new guy is buying the practice from the dentist I have been seeing for over 20 years. The new guy looks younger than my youngest child. And he had on orange shoes. Seems nice. I may grow to like him. He's not going to do anything to my two problem teeth until they need something done. I was not anxious to have "work" done. I tried to find a picture of a tooth for this post but I don't seem to have one. Must do something about that.
I know some readers hate when I discuss my "diet" but I do have to say something about two recipes I tried yesterday. One is called Amazingly Delicious Chicken and it was quite good. Just mix enough sour cream and grated Italian hard cheese (equal amounts) to cover, sort of thickly, your pieces of chicken, which are laid flat on a parchment covered baking sheet. Then sprinkle Italian breadcrums or crumbled corn muffins or whatever over the top and bake until golden brown and delicious @ 350 to 400 degrees. Several recipe author and all different on the temp. And no time suggested but more than 25 minutes. Mine took about 45. Tender and quite delicious. I drizzled a bit of olive oil over the crumbs to make them brown nicely. I served the chicken with rice and green peas. I had mine with a wild greens salad dressed with olive oil and Balsamic vinegar.
The second recipe ( and those who are bored by LCHF can stop reading) was for GF Bread Rolls. I haven't had ANY bread for over 2 years and this peaked my interest. I read all the 100's of comments and decided, since I actually had all the ingredients in the house--I would give it a try. These experiments in GF have always failed. I wasn't optimistic. The list of ingredients was VERY strange. Blanched almond flour (but not Bob's) 1 1/2 c , 5 T pysillium husk powder (a colon cleanser), 2 egg whites, 2 t baking powder, 1 t salt and one cup of boiling water. Mix the dry well with a mixer. Add egg whites and mix well again, dump in the boiling water and mix until it makes itself look like dough.
Then very quickly shape into a log (loaf) one inch thick or into rolls. They made 10 little rolls, or five larger round ones. I made the five. And into the oven at (and here we go again with everyone having an opinion) 350 to 400 degrees. For 50 or 60 minutes. The chemistry of the mix is supposed to cause swelling of the rolls (or loaf) by 2 or 3 times the original. Mine didn't puff up all that much. But when I tore one apart--guess what? It looked like bread. It had holes and looked exactly like bread. And felt like bread when I chewed it. And was a terrific vehicle for eating BUTTER. My lack of puffing is probably because the only almond flour I had was Bob's. So I used almond meal from Trader Joe's. Meal is heavier than flour. I weighed everything on my scale. I ate one roll as soon as they came out of the oven. And used great restraint to not eat any more. This morning I had two split open with butter and SF blackberry jam. If G had left the toaster out I think they would have been better. Very fiber-full. Hardly any carbs. Tomorrow I am toasting the last two and making more.
I also found a recipe for biscuits.
I really don't want to go too far down this road. If you have decided to give up "wheat" products you shouldn't spend endless hours and grocery money trying to make replicas of the things you aren't supposed to eat. I understand that people who didn't willingly give up wheat (health reasons or allergies) might really want to eat donuts and muffins etc. But people, the total carb count of the subs you are mixing up to make a "white flour sub" is SO MUCH HIGHER than white flour. Which is HIGH. I don't use anything but nut meals. I have tried to use coconut flour and the only success I have had is using it to dust things I intend to bread with eggs and breadcrumbs. And now that I can make fake bread--I can make fake crumbs.
So yesterday's science experiment, while not a complete success, was something I can tinker with. And actually enjoy eating. And my colon will thank me--eventually.
Thank you for the drawing of the pvc grow station! My neighbors are asking me if I will have a graden this year as they received lots of veggies from past years..... I am still in the "maybe" stage.