Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Welcome To 2013

I haven't made any decisions yet.  None.  Aside from what to have for breakfast (bran flakes, Fiber One and cream).  G has taken Riley to the Vet office to see what that rashy spot is all about.  It's 6 degrees outside so if we go anywhere, Riley has to stay home.  Or he can go to Doggie Day Care and get a bath.  He smells a bit stronger than I like.  The kitchen up top is just about perfect.

Congress has done something I hardly anticipated.  The House voted on something.  Brilliant way to start the year.  But I think regular Americans need to think of ways to stop being so dependent on the government.  Here in my Town, I think property owners with street side property should have to shovel their sidewalks.  The Town shouldn't have a guy or two and expensive snowblowers shoveling.  Everywhere I lived, before the habit of having someone else do your work for you, we owned property with public sidewalks.  We cleared the sidewalks before clearing our driveway.  In Germany it was the law.  Our rental had sidewalks on 3/4 of the property and NO German would rent the house for that reason.  The house was called the American House.  And we used our American snowblower to clear the sidewalks.

G was thanked, recently, by the local fire department for snowblowing a path to the hydrant on our property.  The firemen had come to our street with shovels to do the job.  Our neighbors don't see it as being "anything that concerned them".  But if there had been a fire on the day or night of a big storm and instead of hooking up the hoses, the guys had to dig the hydrant out---- would that still not be in your best interest?

Lately I have been reading hate filled comments on the Social Security site I read.  Republicans deriding people for asking questions regarding collecting social security.  The comments are usually that people collecting are "welfare cheats" sucking the government dry.  When did Social Security become welfare?  Didn't I pay into it ever since I started working?  Didn't we all?  It's not my fault that politicians have balanced their budgets and paid for more battleships, wars and trips to Mars with loans from social security trust funds.  I never wanted more battleships, wars or trips to Mars.  Did you?

When did we give up personal responsibility?  When did politicians begin seeing the voting public as just a four or six year annoyance?   I really wish that the Occupy One movement had had a clear message. America needs a revolution.  As we are right now--well, I am dismayed and embarrassed by government on a daily basis.  From the Town level right here, to the state level with Maine's Tea Party Governor  and to the capital with these very rich old men trying to hold tight to the "prestige" not working for a living has gotten them while they collect the best in pension benefits and deluxe health care ---- but, no, that's not "welfare".  Ha.  It is.  They are the biggest welfare cheats.

Well, I have gotten that out of my system for a while.  And I did it without uttering my dad's favorite word.  Jackasses.

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