Sunday, January 13, 2013

New Refrigerator Day

It's new.  It's shiny. I can see all my fresh foods while standing up.  The freezer drawer pulls out.  All my fresh food fits.  The frozen "just" fits.  But I think if I freeze things in different shapes, it will all fit in the future.   The set up guys were very nice and did an excellent job. Arrived at 9 am and gone by noon. They carried the fridge into the house.  No rolling on dollies.  When we hooked up the water nothing came out in the ice/water door dispenser (never had that before) and when we looked inside the fridge was full of water.  So everything got a nice wash and dry.  The filter wasn't as tight as it should have been.  Now it's cooling down and all my food is back inside a fridge.  Very exciting.  Shiny.

It's rather gray and drippy outside.  Cold inside.  But one giant ray of sunshine is that I am wearing the navy cord pants (JJill) that I bought this summer at Goodwill (when they fit loose) and then this fall they no longer fit.  Way too tight.  Today they fit.  Not tight at all but not as loose as in the summer.  Very exciting.  The new breakfast must be working.  One whole egg plus two yolks cooked in the fat left from frying three strips of bacon.  One potato fried in 3 T of butter.  I have a small handful of raw almonds around 2 or 3 and then dinner at 5 or 6 (or even later).  Today, since I was moving things around, I had 1 T of peanut butter at 9 am and lunch was one whole egg plus two yolks over  leftover roasted Brussels sprouts and some cheddar cheese.  Now that I can see the leftovers, we might be able to actually eat them before they get wooly.

For anyone who follows my diet adventure, the only difference in my diet which could account for the the pants fitting in the summer, not fitting in the Fall and fitting again, today, is that I am not eating ANY of my cereal products or aged cheeses. I am eating more carbs (the potatoes), less protein from meat sources, and more fat which is coming from fresh cheese like mozzarella and ricotta (remember I was eating garden tomatoes and mozzarella every day for breakfast all summer), bacon, heavy cream and lots of butter on everything.  I am adding heavy cream to my coffee.  If I think I want to eat later in the evening (usually jello or almonds) I just procrastinate getting up to get something until it's bedtime.  And I drink water.  I am rarely, if ever, actually hungry after breakfast.

Big football game today and I have eggplant to slice and salt.  Books to read.   A new rolling cart to fill with pots and pans if I feel like it.  I can get all the cookie sheets out of the cabinet (do they drive you nuts?) where they are always in the way or falling out on the floor.  Did I mention the shiny fridge?


  1. I LOVE the fridge. It's exactly what I wanted, but which wouldn't fit, so now I can enjoy it through you.
