Friday, October 19, 2012

My Life Is An Experience Words Cannot Convey

Pinning these images has opened a whole new way of life to me.  See it. Take it. Use it.   I was talking about this to two different people.  One an artist and one a consumer.  The artist found this taking and using of images to be distasteful.  The consumer sees it as a way to "be reminded" of the things and ideas she wants to purchase, make, or use.  I think the artist was thinking the same things.   The "taking" of ideas to "use, make use of and sell".  Nothing actually belongs to the owner anymore.

I've been wake a long time.  My brain woke my body up.  I have prep to do for my gardening class tomorrow and I needed to type up the pages so I can make copies at work today.  One on planting garlic, second on winter protection for roses and a third on building a cold frame in the garden--which reminds me that I need a fourth on a hoop frame for cold protection of winter spinach and lettuce crops.  Really what I need is a small mock up model of the hoop house.  Just like I regret tearing up the little 3 bin compost model I had.  Little demo models make things so much easier to explain.  A picture (or a model) is worth a thousand descriptive words.

I had eggs for breakfast yesterday and discovered I stayed fuller, longer with the oatmeal.  So, it's oatmeal for today's breakfast.

My son wrote me an email mentioning that he was beginning to get nervous regarding my posts on my lack of appetite (for the foods I am allowed to eat) and the constant weight chat.  Perhaps I have caused you, dear Readers, the same?  I am eating.  I am not losing weight.  I am healthy.  My hair and nails look good.  My teeth aren't wiggling around in my jaws.  I have been around a sick person for 3 weeks and still am not sick, myself.  I have noticed I stopped coughing when I stopped eating peanut butter.  Which makes me VERY SAD as PB was my go to snack.  I may have a peanut allergy.

Anyway.  No more diet talk.  Sorry about the oatmeal reference a few paragraphs up.  It will take me time and much use of the delete button to get this down.

I WILL be having more garden and art chat in future.  Right now, well, I began after work yesterday, I am digging out all the invasive sunflowerish weeds growing in the bed behind the garage.  I filled, to over flowing, the garden cart with stems, roots and weeds.  I still need to redig the bed to find all the roots and stems.  Each will regrow a plant if given half a chance.  This is AFTER moving and reorganizing all the perennials  at WORK for eventual shipment back to the big greenhouse far away.  I wasn't sad about doing all that lifting and sorting.  I was, at least, outside and it was warm and the sun was shining.  Rain today.  Miserable at work when it rains.

We have Christmas trees (decorated), ornaments and gifts all over the store right now.  We are getting ready to start making the winter holiday boxes.  No greens yet but the cashiers up front are winding wire around pinecones for box and wreath decorations.  And it's not even Halloween.  Customers are asking for Christmas cactus and Amaryllis bulbs already.  We have neither.  Yet.  I remember my intense anticipation, that first winter, for all things Christmas.  Now?  Not so excited.  It goes by so quickly.  Yes, it seems like everything went by too quickly this year.  Is it because I am getting older? Or are we just rushing around too much these days.

Seems so long ago that I had a counter top full of ripe red tomatoes and too many zucchini.  Now I am trying to figure out where to put all the houseplants and citrus trees that I had outside all summer.  I am still refusing to turn on the furnace even though it is only 60 in here.  Well. I need to find a hoop house fact sheet to use for class.

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