Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My Favorite Garden Colors

This is the box with the added white petunias (cause this is the box the deer come and eat the zinnias) and I moved one of the blooming agapanthus so I could get the blue into the color mix.  Yellow, white, magenta and this blue. Perfection.  I always instruct the students in my gardening classes to select a three or four color palette and use that to choose their plants.  I suggest they use the colors in a favorite painting, pillow or  post card.  Then go to the paint store and get large color chips in "their" colors and carry that to the garden center when shopping.

Using this set of four colors, I could buy annuals, perennials and even flowering shrubs and trees.  A dark pink  Knock Out Rose, blue Rose of Sharon, some yellow Potentilla and white Shasta daisies.  Easy.  Another hint is to repeat a grouping of plants three times along your border.  Looks professional.  And doesn't need to be planted all at once.  Perennials need dividing every three years, so this could be a three or six year project.  Well, those are my gardening words of wisdom for today.

Yesterday turned into a complete lost day.  I read two books and just did nothing.  The worst part was that I also didn't eat.  I felt sick and dizzy most of the day but nothing in the house seemed appetizing.  I did have some cheese and most of the 1/2 gallon of tea.  A handful of almonds. Several big spoonfuls of peanut butter. A slice of the gluten free chocolate zucchini loaf (which is leaving the house when I go to work).  It isn't even that good but it is there calling to me.  I do have a serious carb addiction.  Best when I have none at all. Zero.

I started today with eggs, onion, peppers, grilled zucchini, wilted kale and sausage.  Lunch is full fat yogurt with blueberries and pineapple.  I even made a pot of coffee. I've got the kettle on for boiling water so I can mix up a box of SF strawberry jello for the rest of the week.  I hope the strawberry is better than the cherry.

It's supposed to be 70% chance of rain today with 83% humidity.  Lovely.  Good for the yard and garden but not so great when you are inside a glass greenhouse.  It would be nice to have some lightening and thunder.  And rain pounding on the greenhouse roof.  My car could use a good wash.

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