Monday, May 28, 2012

Monday, Monday

I watched about five of the TiVoed episodes of the Tudors last night.  Got to the part, in time, where Wolsey is dead.  Now, Cromwell will seek and destroy.  Cromwell is where the Shardlake Tudor mysteries begin.  So, these are the episodes I am most intrigued with, as Anne was already dead by the start of the first book.  I'm not sure how perfectly historical the Tudors is, but I like "looking" at the clothing etc., especially the fabrics in King Henry's outfits.  The black and white spotted tunic he wore last night was very very striking.  Sort of like my black and white spotted skirt.

I also watched the Killing and Mad Men.  Both finally had some "meat on their bones" in content.  I don't like where Mad Men is going, but I doubt the characters do either.  What happened to Joan was disgusting.  I hope Pete rots in hell.

Yesterday, at work, was long, not very interesting, and it seemed to take forever to reach 5 pm closing time.  Perhaps because I ate my lunch at 12.  On time.  I usually don't eat until 2 and that makes the day seem shorter.  My boss likes to get past lunch breaks as quickly and as early as possible.  It's like a difficult hurdle he likes to get over before he can relax.  I make him crazy with my lunches at 2, 3 or even 4pm when we are busy and I am working until 7.

I found someone who will take three tomato seedlings and three pepper seedlings off my hands.  So now I have only 33 of each.  LOL.

G has managed to get my garden ready for planting.  All the weeding and flattening of the soil is now done.  The new bed frames look very nice and straight.  I have two bales of peat and five bags of cow manure to add to the soil and discovered a new to me way of planting my squash plants.  In a circle surrounding a used planter's pot (the kind with holes along the bottom edge).  you sink the pot into the soil, empty and then add a shovel of good compost.  Fill with water when you water the garden and the resulting "compost tea" feeds the plant's roots. Amazing what I can learn by reading a new book.  This one by the editors of Fine Gardening magazine.

My VitaMix is packed up and ready to be sent back to QVC.  I never even plugged it in.  Once I looked over the recipe booklet I realized it is just a blender.  And I already own a blender.  My blender actually makes a very smooth Smoothie so why would I need a $429 Smoothie?  If I was even going to make a Smoothie.  I had one.  Once. So making a good Smoothie isn't a priority. And I don't drink the juices of fruits and vegetables.  I just eat the fruit and vegetables.  And I can make fruity "ice cream" in the food processor.  I wish I could pack up and return some other purchases as easily.

I don't remember which Reader chastised me for always pointing out the flaw in someone's personality or behavior.  You will be pleasantly surprised to know I called work to have a short note, I had written for a coworker, taken down and thrown away.  It would have only made her sad.  So, now, instead, she will  find me thoughtless for not letting her know what the customer thought of the work she had done.  It's better that way.

I am supposed to be having breakfast with my daughter this morning and traveling to Portland with her to shop at Trader Joes.  I haven't heard from her so have no idea when this little trip begins and ends, but I have a dog to consider in these plans.  So, I guess I have to call her (and wake her up on her day off ) and otherwise get off to a bad start.  It's almost 8:30 and I have been up since 7.

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