Thursday, February 09, 2012

The Florida House

Seen from the boat as we made our way under the bridge and out into the ocean.  Eventually the Royal Palms will grow tall enough to be above the roof line.  A little one story, four bedroom ranch was here for many, many years.  Our friend stretches a cloth screen between the second and third palms (from left) as a projection screen for football games and movie nights.  Boats line up on the water side to watch (the images project thru the fabric and can be seen from the other side as well.  House guests watch from the patio or pool.

Yesterday was a fun day.  The sun is shining this morning (on my back as I type), G has gone to have his Annual Exam with his doctor, Riley has been in and out,  I have eaten my omelet and almost finished my first cup of coffee.  I don't really have a To Do List for the day.  Not on paper or inside my head.  I think all three of us will be walking the dog in the woods when G returns.

I am not constipated this morning.  I drank lots of water yesterday.  Sigh!  And I dropped 2 pounds overnight.  So, the water works.  It would b e nice to get to the pre vacation weight again and eventually to what I had hoped would be my weight at the the end of 2011.  168.  I am four pounds away.  Yesterday I was 6 pounds away.  I want to reach 160 by May.  The weight loss is very very slow.

I have contemplated a return to 1200 calories a day (a diet that always produced weight loss over the one year period) but the Atkins foods are very high in calories.  I don't even want to think how many calories I eat in one day. Right now, I am following the advice of a gal who has kept weight off for 20 years with WW.  Go to bed every night a little bit hungry.  I have added grapefruit (which has natural sugars) and has slowed my weigh loss to almost nothing.  And I have a glass of red wine occasionally.  I have been on Atkins for nine months now.  I started out at approximately 196 pounds unable to wear any of my size 16 pants.  I am now a size 14.

My daughter and I were discussing our body types and weights.  We tend to be heavier than usual for the size clothing we wear.  Heavy bones?  Who knows.  It would be difficult to guess our weight.  We both sink in water.  We can't float.  I take after my dad.  Until I was 10, I was a thin, rangy looking kid.  Then I became the "chubby one" in the family.  In high school I weighed 134-144 and was called "chubby".  I wore a size 12 or 14.  And a girdle every day.  Forty pounds heavier today and still wearing a 14.

G's doctor's office keeps calling.  First they called because he wasn't there.  Now they called because he had just left and then again to give me an appointment (a referral).  Where is G???

1 comment:

  1. Your weight loss journey has been amazing! I read awhile back on a vintage pattern/clothing website that the past 40 years or so (mid 60's onward) that it is the first time in recorded history that women have attempted body shaping by dieting alone. In the past, it seems, that some sort of corseting was used to achieve the wanted body shape! I know that it is easier nowadays to find a girdle than it was 20 years ago. Perhaps we are returning to that idea to some degree.
