Saturday, January 07, 2012

Orchids Are Blooming

I, accidentally, did something right with my orchids.  They are either blooming right now or sending up big fat flower spikes.  Most of the orchids were purchased in their "non blooming or not looking so good" state.  We mark them down then and that's when I buy.  I don't usually have much luck.  This is a much appreciated experience.  I do remember shaking some Osmocote granules onto the moss in the pots.

My citrus, upstairs in the guest bathroom, isn't looking very good.  G sprayed them with Sevin because there were little bugs.  Now they look dry.  But the soil is moist.  Citrus does better if it isn't wet.  The orange on the dwarf orange still looks okay.  The tiny Calamondin orange buds look like they are drying up.  The lemon never made any fruit as it had no leaves when I got it.  So, just having leaves right now, is a big leap forward.  I have a fan directed at the ceiling to give the trees some air circulation.

Two of my Clivia are sending up flower stalks.  I repotted the yellow one I rescued (it was overwatered and had root rot) after letting it sit with exposed roots for 4 to 6 weeks.  To dry out.  Now I'm letting it slowly draw up water into the roots.  I tried to save it because it had two little baby shoots. How can you throw a plant away when it is trying so hard to make new plants?

40 degrees today and yesterday's snow is melting.  Riley and I enjoyed today's walk.  I think, in my humble opinion, that this IS actually Global Warming.  Places like Montana were warmer yesterday than Miami.  Winter, here in Maine, has been most excellent so far.  Saving on the heating oil bills.  I don't mind snow.  Just don't want ICE.

Leftover stuffed cabbage rolls for dinner tonight.  I just enjoyed two spoons of extra crunchy peanut butter for my lunch followed by a second cup of coffee.

My Daily Stitch had another hiccup.  I needed more fabrics in different colors.  So more cutting.  And then I needed more circles so more ironing and cutting. (I didn't like the selection of circles I had prepared last week) I now have a nice pile to stitch in the coming few days. I keep running out of one thing or another.  I don't want to make too many circles (have to work with the number of squares I have) etc.  I know that at some point I will just have to "finish up" and match unhappy choices of circles and squares together.  But not yet. I am not one of those people who can just reach into a bag and use the fabric they pull out. I have been lucky, I can usually find something in the right colorway up in the guest room, something that has a "sort of" French look about it.  So far.  I finally chose a black patterned fabric.  Always need a good black in a design.

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