Monday, January 09, 2012

Oh, How I Suffer On This Diet

My larger than usual breakfast (more Eggbeaters) of egg, sausage, onion and cheese topped with the last of my Whole Foods avocados, which I sprinkled with lime juice and salt.  The dog woke me up this morning. He needed to eat his breakfast and then go outside to bark.  Bark. Bark.  Remember when he was a quiet dog?  Finished off the less than wonderful stuffed cabbage rolls.  There was something "off" about the whole recipe but I forced myself to eat it all because, essentially, it was a very low carb meal.  And it was very filling.  Today, I am making chicken soup for G.  He loves chicken soup.

We had a "FaceTime" phone call from our friends, who are already in Florida, regarding our impending arrival in a few weeks.  They are so happy we are coming to visit.  K used to be that excited about me coming to visit. Not any more.  These friends were out on the back patio watching a football game.  The television was set up with it's backside to the Atlantic Ocean. Really.  This is how they are spending their retirement days.

Yesterday evening was spent watching Downton Abbey on PBS as G has a few episodes to watch for the first time.  I missed the first 38 minutes of the season's premiere but it will be shown again next week along with the second new episode.  Everyone seemed to have gained weight between seasons.  At least the men did. You would think the producers would have asked them to diet a bit to regain the lean wartime look.

That's about all for now.  I am a bit "out of sorts" today regarding my recent credit card bill (whatever was I thinking spending so much money?) and the oil bill of $440 for one month of having the thermostat at 62 during the day (only in the room we are in) and 58 the rest of the time.  Yes, we are cold.  But.  $440? this is why no one actually wants to live in Maine.  And why so many homes are polluting the air with wood smoke making me sicker and sicker each time I walk the dog.  My chest actually hurts as I try to breathe.

I am going to write in my journal and drink a second cup of coffee.  Iron a few shirts and then walk the dog. Make soup.  Sit quietly and read one of my books.  I wish I still had my inhaler.

1 comment:

  1. I can't figure out if Downton Abbey was just that good or TV in general is so awful lately that it looked even better. I need to watch the beginning since I missed part of it-The Good Wife was on and it won the coin toss. I do miss Mr. Bates.

    Your plate looks tasty. Love avocado. I could just eat the whole avocado with Worchesteshire sauce sprinkled over the I'm hungry.
