Monday, January 16, 2012

January Doodles

This is a photograph of a magazine clipping.  Quite a large piece of art in "real" life but here in my journal just a reminder to try this effect in one of the doodles I am working on this month.  I have two started.  Neither is anything I want to share.  They are doodles.  And, doodles are not something I normally do or am comfortable doing.  My journal pages are filling up nicely at the end of the Chinese Year.  This journal was started on the eve of the Year of the Rabbit.  Will end on the eve of the Year of the Dragon.

The temperatures overnight were single digits (even negative digits)  but the sun is shining this morning making the 9 degrees seem warmer somehow.  Riley has gone outside.  Yesterday morning, he refused to go out.  G and I didn't take the dog for a walk as the snow's surface has a hard, sharp crust of ice.  It rained a bit on Friday afternoon, just enough to make a bad situation much worse.  Our driveway is rutted with ice. Dangerous for walking.  Disaster for me when attached to an eager 90 pound dog.

I got the dining room table cleared, laundry done, the floors vacuumed (g) and managed a delightful, delicious and filling dinner last night.  We (g) grilled hamburgers outdoors, I fried bacon and then caramelized onions in the bacon fat.  My two burgers were served topped with cheese, mayo and pickles.  Then I piled on the bacon and onion.  It was so good.  So, so good. G had his two burgers with toasted rolls.  Then we watched Downton Abbey on PBS.  A perfect Sunday.

Tomorrow I need to venture out in the car and get my haircut.  I also need to have my glasses frames adjusted as I whacked myself in the head with the dryer door yesterday.  And my scale finally needs a new lithium battery.

The internet is working.  G unplugged everything and then slowly reacquainted the router and everything else to the others.  We have our fingers crossed.  No email has appeared in my inbox but G has gotten some.  That is usually my only indication of life outside the boundaries of this house, this desk top.

I have a good book to read and a few things to finish up.  I have vacation packing to do and a dog bed cover to make for Riley to take with him to boarding.  Or I can let him take one of his three house beds with him.  I don't know what I want to do, yet.  And then there is supper to plan and prepare.  I am thinking Mushroom Pasta with dried and fresh mushrooms or perhaps pizza for G.  For me, a package of Trader Joe's sautéed onions and peppers with the remainder of the frozen Perdue cooked chicken strips.  It's almost 11 am and I haven't even had my breakfast yet.  Or my first cup of coffee.

I need to make meals that finish up all the fresh foods in the fridge.  Especially the stuff that is in open containers like Eggbeaters, cream and sour cream.  I will be going thru everything after breakfast and making a list of what I need to finish eating.  I also have avocados.  Three.  And limes.  I forgot to buy jalapeños.  Now---- I must prepare breakfast.

1 comment:

  1. Your burger sounds just delicious. You sure will appreciate the weather in Florida when you get there.
