Saturday, December 31, 2011

Looking Ahead to 2012

I have a few ideas on how I will spend the coming 366 days.  Yes, an extra day!  Figuring out how to eliminate the glare in photo booth would be nice.  But you do get to see my jade ring.  Many compliments on this old ring of mine.  When I lose weight I can wear it.  Purchased in the 1970's.  I haven't worn it very much.  I would like to wear it for the rest of my life.

I now have so many really interesting ideas for the 12 by 20 challenge that I think I will try them all. I also will be adding three new blogs to the sidebar.  I am trying to expand my view of the internet art world.

It was very cold last night.  Today is warmer.  One day freezing, next day, not. One day sunny, next day, not.  Forsythia, iris and lilacs are all budded and ready for Spring.  In December. In Maine. The Witch Hazel has bloomed twice since October. The grass, when the day is warm, is bright green.

I have most of the laundry finished and now have all G's shirts to iron.  Start the New Year with clean clothes and a closet full of freshly ironed shirts.  Clean sheets on the bed, also.

My pen and paper journal will come to a close by the end of January--time to think of a new theme for the next book.  This year has been spent on recording what I eat everyday.  I did try to draw something each day, at the beginning of the journal.  Very nice pictures of pears.  Why did I stop?  Oh, yes, I went back to work.  It is difficult for me to have two "work" experiences at the same time.  Why is that?

During my furlough from the greenhouse, I find the time to draw in the journal, make art and do my Pilates exercise.  Once I return to work, there is no time for these things.  My days are full of work, housework and dog walks.  And I am always tired.  Falling asleep as soon as I sit still for 20 minutes.  The greenhouse work, from March to July, is labor intensive and very physical.  From June to September my own garden is very labor intensive.  And then it's October and we start rolling our way thru the three holidays.  And here we are--December 31.

I think, in 2012, I'd like things to be a bit less of a struggle.  The only thing I can actually control, and eliminate, is the time I spend sitting here typing words for you to read.  And I don't want to do that.  Time Management.  That's where I can begin making changes.

I was reading today, that one blogger has a "daily art" thing she does.  For her, it will be to hand embroider a 4 inch square each day.  I could say I would hand appliqué one of my circles on a square each day.  I have them piled up waiting for some work to actually be done.  I think the end result, a French looking quilt, would be nice to have.

So.  Time Management and One Circle on a Square each day.  And I think I would like to create a drawing or a doodle each week.  Work on it a bit each day without the pressure of having to finish quickly.

I wonder how Time Management works?


  1. I have no advice on time management for you. I hope if you come up with a good system you will share it with us.

    Wishing you a very happy and healthy new year and I hope you'll be wearing that jade ring for a good, long time.

  2. Beautiful photo. Looks a bit like an abstract painting.
    Happy New Year Joanne.
