Monday, November 21, 2011

Could You Live With Just One?

Of anything.  I am fine with one man, one dog, one daughter and one son.  I am fine owning one car (I have two in my name).  Would I be able to own one chair, one table, one cup, one plate, one spoon?  If I invited someone to dinner, will they bring their own plate and fork?  Their own chair?  It interests me today.  Owning something but not being "owned" by things.

Many things are already SINGLE items.  We have one, and don't really need another.  Other items lend themselves to multiples quite easily, then multiply like rabbits.  Socks. Underwear. Shoes.

I am making a list, today, of the things I have done.  Not a "to do" but a "have done".  I already have ten items and I haven't even been very productive.  I am also making a grocery list for the big holiday meal on Thursday.  Wondering what to make for supper Monday thru Wednesday.  Meals on the days preceding a holiday meal are so bothersome.

I gained 2 pounds overnight.  My rings are even tighter this morning.  Water weight.  I think I hold water when I am tired.  And, I am tired.  I would go back to bed right now, if I knew I would be able to fall asleep.  Or, if I knew the dog wouldn't bark and wake me up as soon as I did fall asleep.  Riley is snoring away on his dog bed.  The sun is warming him nicely by his favorite window.

I just wanted to let you know what I am thinking and perhaps hear what your thoughts are this morning. I don't want to dwell on sad things today.  If you want (need) a really good cry--read Posie Gets Cozy in the sidebar.  Heartbreaking.  I sobbed.


  1. I think the current trend toward minimalism is interesting. I have always thought I would like to have less objects to be encumbered by. But I also need stuff to support my creative bent. Or at least I feel like I do. I do not consider it a moral issue. I tend to collect art supplies and fabric and yarn. Could be worse.

  2. I wouldn't mind a little more minimalism in my life, however, I have 3 children of whom 2 have children. One chair, etc. just wouldn't do! LOL I used to have only one sewing machine. Now I have more than 5. I only use 3 of them on a regular basis. (2 are sergers set up for different stitches)

  3. I don't like minimalism. To me it seems stark and cold and uninviting.

    I would not even entertain the idea of one chair, one bowl, etc... I like to be able to have someone drop in and I can say, pull up a chair to the fire, sit, stay a while, eat with us. I like to be able to set a beautiful table and I like to decorate for the seasons and the holidays.

    Nope, minimalism is NOT for me.

  4. No, I`m not that kind of person! I have to be surrounded by thing or peoples that I care.
