Saturday, October 15, 2011

Saturday Carrots & Sunshine

That strange glow over on the right side of the sink--is the SUN.  Yes, dear Readers, it has finally stopped being overcast and wet.  The sun is shining.  I have grated the very last zucchini from the 2011 garden and will be making zucchini crust for a pizza.  G's pizza dough was made very late last night, before I went to bed.  It is doing whatever dough does overnight in the fridge.  Developing.

I spent a very enjoyable evening reading.  Sansom's Dissolution.  I finally got into it.  It took awhile, but now that I have "met" the characters and become accustomed to the author's writing style, I am well on my way to enjoying the reading.  There are only four books (and none at my local library) so the ordering and waiting will take up some of the time, but I see this as a lovely way to end the year.  These four books will last the holiday season.  Once we pass Halloween, it's like a downhill rush to New Year's.  Whoosh!

I have had to Google some of the history of this period of Reformation, Cromwell and Anne Boleyn just as I had to do while reading Cadfael (King Stephen, Empress Maud, the 10 year Civil War).  I declared myself a History major when I entered college in 1964 but was never much of a scholar in that subject.  I did better in English and Art.  Now, I find myself being quite diligent in studying history.  It just took awhile to catch up with me.  Like 47 years.

I have piles of clothing on the floor of my bedroom.  Too big.  Too small.  Just right.  Warm weather. Cold weather.  I am also trying to settle on a "color story" for my closet.  A way to "mix and match" the clothing I have.  I need "bridge" elements to pull together a few outfits.  I also need a few "new" fashion forward items to bring the old stuff up to speed in 2012.  Ruffled sweaters and filmy tank/tunics seem to be in all the catalogs and magazines.  Perhaps one of each to layer with what I have.  ONE.  Not an armful.

My closet Fall/Winter wardrobe seems to be brown, navy, mossy green.  With a few sweaters in light and dark grey and red. Nothing fashionable. Throw in the French blue fleece and you have quite a dysfunctional grouping.  I had hoped to own a knee length skirt by now to wear with tights.  And those circle skirts could fit by Christmas Party time.  I still haven't found an above the knee tunic dress to wear with my capri tights and flats.  The weather may get too cold and my window of opportunity disappear on that bit of fashion.  I also want a wrap belt so I can wear (oh, darn, I have to admit this) my size 20 navy wool blazer, wrapped like a kimono and held closed with the belt.  That blazer is made of the nicest wool and is so warm and cozy.  Another item I have kept because it is so very nice.  And it does look great wrapped (over the knee length skirt?).  I just need a smart belt, either big or very thin.  I would wear the blazer as Fall outerwear right now.

 I saw a lovely acid green tank with ruffles down the front in a catalog.  Great peeking out from under the blazer or a long sweater with a thin belt at the waist.  I also saw a ruffle edge sweater in a bronze gold which would be nice with navy, mossy green or  brown and look nice with grey.  I would need a ruched blouse to wear under everything.  One that fits.  But what size am I?  I'm thinking a 14-16.  Like one of the Readers, I dream of being a size 12 and even have a pair of 12 jeans that I wore in 2007.  It could happen.

My To Do List is getting pretty long.  Mostly outdoor, heavy lifting stuff which I prefer to do WITH G and not all by myself.  And the DOG has figured out how to PESTER me into taking him for a walk everyday, no matter what time of day.  Yesterday we walked at 4:30 because it had finally stopped raining.  You do ANYTHING TWICE with that dog, and suddenly it's something you HAVE to do ALL THE TIME. I don't mind the walk, once we are out walking, but getting me into my walking shoes and jacket isn't something I do willingly (as I did when Riley was a puppy or in the winter).  Cooler weather is better for long walks.  And, at least it's not freezing cold and icy, yet.  I just can never get the right amount or level of clothing on for the walk.  I am either too warm or too cold.  Miserable. Never just right.  Yesterday I was cold at the start and too warm and very damp by the end.

This morning was a cereal day.  I have to be careful the rest of the day and just eat fat and protein to balance the extra load of carbs from the cereal and soy milk. I am already feeling the "head rush" as the sugars reach my brain. My second bowl of chili (it has a great deal of ground beef in it) wasn't as good as the "mouth feel" of the little granules of beef isn't very pleasant. Chili made with cubed chuck roast is much better.  I mixed the last portion of my chicken/mayo salad with Alfredo sauce (TJ) and leftover pasta for G's supper last night.  I just could NOT eat another bite of chicken.  G loves chicken.  Pizza tonight. Work tomorrow.  I feel the need to read my book and avoid everything else.

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