Monday, October 10, 2011

The Last Hurrah

We have been enjoying temps in the very high seventies and low eighties for four days now.  What a glorious weekend to have a school holiday.  I worked three of these four "summer" days, as did G. I can still enjoy seeing the maples changing color (now that all those crappy pine trees are gone).  We have yellow, gold and orange.  No red.  G planted three winterberry shrubs in the area just left of the shed.  They will eventually be 8 feet high and covered in red berries at this time of year and into the winter.  If the birds don't eat them.

Riley has just finished eating his dinner and "treated " me to a large dog burp.  At work, after lunch, two of my co-workers treated me to their burps.  One male and one female.  Can't wait to see if G burps after he eats his dinner.  LOL.

I did not sleep well last night.  I would sleep and then wake up, thinking it was morning.  Still black.  Go back to sleep and wake up thinking it was morning.  Nope.  It was NOT restful.

I stopped at the dreadful Walmart on the way home to see if they had tension curtain rods for less than JoAnn's.  They did.  $2.97 instead of $5.99.  I bought three.  Which means I now have 4.  And I have 5 windows.  G is going to mention that.  But I don't think all the windows need a curtain.  And I'm not actually using a curtain.  Long ago I bought these lime green and gold table runners in rayon, with fringe.  I thought they could be scarves or even pants.  On sale, of course.  Folded in half, over the rod, it is just the right length, slides smoothly to open and close, and you can't see thru it, and it covers only 2/3rds of the window so I can open the double hung window from the top to get air.  Eventually, I will buy wooden blinds.  But not right now.

G is on his way home.  I think I will try and read a few pages in my new book.  The Tudor mystery.  DWTS tonight.  Which is so terrible this season that G & I may just stop watching.  I had low fat Greek style yogurt for lunch today with sliced peaches and raspberries.  11 net carbs for 8 ounces of yogurt.  I added a scoop of vanilla whey protein powder.  I didn't care how many carbs were in the peaches.  They were fresh, juicy and sweet.  Grocery peaches are never that good.  G is bringing me Angus burgers from McD's for dinner.  I've never tasted them.  Hope they are delicious.  The Chef's burger at Burger King was disgusting.  And expensive.  And, trust me, it didn't resemble the one in the tv advertisement at all.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you enjoyed your Angus burger. I always like the Mushroom and Swiss Angus. Haven't tried the Chef Burger, but then don't have that "restaurant" near where I live.

    Maples are so pretty when they start turning colors. There is a viney weed along a fence line on my bus route this has turned bright red. It is absolutely beautiful. Wish I could stop and take a photo of it. Might have to go back after morning route. (I'm a school bus driver)
