Saturday, September 24, 2011

My Favorite Birthday Present

My daughter found these two sweeties at the grocery store, of all places.  I showed them to Riley and now he is eager to make them his.  So they are up on the top shelf of the bookcase.  What is it he likes?  The little dot eyes?  That they are cats?  That I like them?

Today was Compost Class at work.  What fun.  I mentioned using limestone with juicy things (green) and my students got confused so I gave them a graphic reminder.  When "Bad People" are trying to get rid of dead bodies, what do they use?  Lime.  To hasten the decomp.  I suggested fertilizer to hasten the decomp of dry things (brown).  No wonder they enjoy the classes.  So graphic.  So weird.  That's me.  And we also discussed giant red wiggler worms.

The rest of the day was a "Big Snooze".   An 87 year old Deputy Sheriff who is also a cowboy?  Yes, we had that and chatting with him for a few minutes was quite a treat, but he had to eventually saddle up and follow his family to the local college art museum.  Tourist.

Supper was pizza.  I had to mix up the dough last night right before going to bed.  It wasn't as soft and elastic as the last two times.  But G said it was just as good.  I had made a zucchini crust about a week ago and baked it but never topped it.  So, I had that with onion, peppers, pepperoni and more cheese.  It's good.  Not great.  But chewy and crisp like a "real" pizza.

The weather here in Maine has been odd.  Cold rain.  Humid Buggy.  Hot Humid.  Buggy Overcast.  Dark Damp.  Muggy Rain.  Notice I never mentioned any Sun?  Tomorrow is supposed to be Cold Rain, followed by Hot Sunny Humid, followed by Overcast Buggy.  Can't wait.

I got a letter in the mail letting me know that Social Security was going to send me a Medicare Card.  Until they actually send me the card, I could go to the hospital with the letter as proof of coverage. There's a phone number in case the hospital I go to, doesn't want to accept the letter as proof.  Are there really people who turn 65 and immediately need to be hospitalized???  I guess there are.

I have finally made a huge dent in the number of ripe tomatoes that are sitting on the counter.  Tomorrow I make sauce and meatballs.  It's what G wants.  I kind of like meatballs, too.

1 comment:

  1. We're having the same weather sans the bugginess. An allergy to something,swollen eyes, and Benadryl are keeping me inside and foggy.
    Homemade pizza sounds yummy. I forget how fortunate I am to live in NY where you can't spit without hitting a fabulous pizza place. There are about 20 in my general area.
    Last year I went through a Naan pizza phase. Someone around here makes great Naan and it's perfect for personal pies
    Hope you have a dry and bug-free day
    Love the Hello Kitty dolls
