Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Where Am I? Where Am I Going?

Today: Work.  Hot. Boss took the day off. The mice will play.  But not too much.  A coworker was ordering lunch from the spot down the street.  I ordered a 1/2 pound cheese burger with mayo and pickles.  I thought it would also have tomato and lettuce.  Needed to be more specific.  It did arrive sans bun.  Which always puzzles the restaurant.  The bun must be the best part??  It was good. Just what I needed.

The garden is being watered.  The deck pots have been watered.  G will be having (hot) roast turkey breast (from the deli) along side some Stove Top.  Yesterday's dinner was terrible.  I must make amends.

Riley is staying at day care until G is finished working.  They have A/C which is ever so cold.  And G has A/C in his Jeep which means the ride home will be ever so cool also.  My car had been sitting in the sun all day and I needed to stop to buy the groceries.  Fresh cream for my coffee.

I also bought a roaster chicken breast.  I LOVED it shredded with mayo (lots) and honey.  Yes, I know honey is a CARB but it made the chicken ever so nice last time and I wanted MORE.

Cereal (Muslix) this morning with Soy Milk.  I keep forgetting to have eggs in the morning so I can have yogurt and raspberries (with a scoop of protein powder) for lunch.  I had prepared a ham and cheese roll up for today's luncheon but the burger sounded more suitable to the level of my fat to carbs for the day.

Nothing much going on as you can tell from the daily menu.  One of the twenty something summer help seems to have gotten preggers.  I was the only one who didn't know.  Another was arrested for bothering someone who had a protection order.  Another is just back (but on house arrest) from jail.  A bit of B& E. The pregnant girl lost her driver's license due to not wearing her seatbelt the third time the same cop stopped her.  We are hoping she stops chain smoking and buckles up. (I am hoping--- the others say it's her decision).

Another employee with a badly swollen foot, went to the ER after work Sunday to see if THEY can decide what is wrong.  MRI, sonagrams, tests etc. have been ordered by her doctor.  None of her regular doctors knows what is wrong.  But no one has x rayed her foot to see if something is broken.  Sounds like an episode of House doesn't it?  Been nearly 2 (maybe three) months.  It isn't gout.  The Medical Profession. Nothing to be proud of, I'm thinking.  My own personal doctor, who does nothing for me but order tests and refer me to other doctors (I don't go: she doesn't check), has been sued for malpractice.  I wonder how, since she does nothing?

I'm going to take a shower now.

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