Sunday, July 03, 2011

Sea Holly, "Blue Glitter"

I had been watching this plant develop since we first set the pots out in the Spring.  Now, they are tall (18 inches or so and topped with all these spiky, thistle like ovals.  This particular plant is on the sunporch, waiting to be moved to the garden for G's enjoyment.  I bring home the strange and different for G to watch over.  Today looks to be humid, perhaps with rain.  Lots of mosquitos.  A good day to stay inside and read.

I am making rhubarb sauce.  It's allowed on Atkins.  Well, rhubarb is.  And I have mixed it with half a cup of Splenda for baking and water.  I threw in a couple handfuls of frozen strawberries.  Now it needs to reduce to a thickened sauce which I can have with whipped cream as a dessert.  I enjoy the rhubarb sauce more than the sugar free jello that other Atkins dieters have each day.  They mix their jello with cream cheese or sour cream.  That doesn't sound good to me.

Yesterday I was hungry at work.  I have to think about why I got hungry.  Either I am not eating enough fat with my proteins or I didn't have enough breakfast.  When you get all the proportions right--you are never really hungry until just before a meal.  Breakfast is such a difficult meal for me.  Today I actually had time to fry bacon, make two eggs and microwave a MIM.  It was a very good breakfast.  The MIM was actually very good.

A MIM is a mixture of 1/4 cup Flax meal, 1 egg, 1 t butter, Splenda packet, cinnamon and 1/2 t baking powder.  I made it in a flat 4 inch bowl.  One and a half minutes on my microwave. turn it out of the bowl immediately and let it rest for a few minutes to a few hours. I slice this flat cake in half to resemble two slices of bread.  It can be toasted or used to make a sandwich, French toast or a grilled cheese sandwich.  All are allowed. There is even a Flax pancake (PIM). Only one MIM a day as the Flax powder can cause intestinal distress but I sort of look forward to that.

Some Atkins MIM bakers let the wet mix sit for 10 to 30 minutes before microwaving which increases the size of the finished product.  I haven't tried that yet.  The MIM's I have made with cocoa powder have been bitter.  I purchased golden flax meal at the health food store because it is supposed to make a more "cake-like" MIM but I am still using the brown flax meal. Why have two packages open?  I watched a video where they made a huge bulky roll sized MIM for sandwiches but I didn't write the recipe down.  Kicking myself.

The water drinking is going well. I wear my wedding ring these days so I know when I am retaining water.  Today I can take the ring off with minimal tugging.  When the ring is stuck, I fill up the water jar.

G is going to install the window AC unit.  It seems like we just took it out of the window.  Time Flies.

I moved all the furniture in the dining room.  All my collage clutter.  Cleaned out the book cases on that side of the room, tossing books into the book donation pile.  G helped me move the table and the rug under it, closer to the wall which opens up a great deal of floor space.  The table was completely bare when I finished and now has assorted little items all over it.  Plants, lamp, G's stuff. UGH.

We need to buy four new (or used) chairs to fill up the table.  Not that they will ever be used, but it will "look" nice.  Furniture shopping used to be a favorite activity of mine.  Used to be.  Now, I try and get rid of furniture more often than I buy any.  I remember when this house was way too big and we didn't have nearly enough furniture.  Now, it seems too crowded.  Even claustrophobic at times.

I have laundry to fold and and shirts to iron and I want to finish the gray 12 by 12.  I also want to create some freezer paper templates for elongated leaves for the French "circle in a square" blocks. Need to find my compass.  Some hand work for summer evenings.   Still working only three days.  So, plenty of time for "projects" and it would be nice to get back to daily Pilates.  I have slipped out of that routine.  I don't know how it happened. I think it was caused by all this Atkins Breakfast stress.  Before, I would have a banana, do my Pilates and then have a bowl of cereal.  There's no "banana" these days.


  1. I must try the MIM. I am also dieting Atkins style, though not following it exactly. I have lost only a few pounds, but can see my face is less fat and clothes are fitting better. You are right about breakfasts. Lately I have been microwaving two eggs, which is pretty easy and tastes good. I spray a little porcelain bowl with PAM, break two eggs, add a splash of water, salt and pepper and a little grated cheese if I have it. Whip it up with a fork and microwave for a little more than a minute. It puffs up sort of omelet-like and tastes good to me. It holds me til lunch time.

  2. What a fascinating plant. I wonder if it would grow here in Eastern Oregon.
    I always made sure I had plenty of breakfast when I was on Atkins, otherwise I would graze all day. If no food was available, I would THINK of food all day. I don't know which is worse!! LOL. My breakfast was a 3 egg omlet with a couple of slices of cheese. I use my well seasoned cast iron skillet.
