Thursday, July 07, 2011

Pretty Peas

I wasn't on the "diet" when I planted my peas in the April.  But they are taller than ever and covered in pea pods.  This was my first little harvest and I ate them raw.  Delicious.  Later I checked the Acceptable List and there they were; fresh podded peas.  Legal.

I did my Pilates yesterday, walked the dog and watered my vegetable garden (where I got a nice sunburn on my neck and shoulders), weeded a few things, cut Calendula flowers so I can make "first aid" salve this year along with a jar of Spoon Oil.  Both need a mixture of oil and melted beeswax.

I barely ate anything yesterday.  Once upon a time, I fasted for about 6 weeks (maybe less) and lost 50 pounds.  I also lost my hair and my teeth wiggled in my mouth.  That is not something I want to relive.  But yesterday, I found myself barely eating.  I won't even write down the small amount of food I ate (forced myself) yesterday. My appetite is so suppressed by Atkins, that I barely register hunger.  I guess I have moved from a healthy diet to starvation.  Not good.  Which is why I am probably so tired.  When I fasted, I remember sleeping a great deal. My body must of thought I was dying.

I am admitting defeat.  If I were actually losing weight, I might continue.  But I am not.  I know people "plateau" for weeks and sometimes months, and the Atkins "people" say it's okay.  It isn't okay.  My body is shutting down.

I am reverting to my old 365 Day Healthy Eating Plan as of this morning -- 1200 calories a day.  I am adding in a great deal more protein than I ate in 2007.  Atkins with cereal and yogurt.  At least I will poop.  I hope.  (just EATING the cereal had an affect on my colon!!!)

I have a very exciting lunch date tomorrow with Deborah of the Frayed Edges.  She will be in Camden this weekend for the opening of their quilt show "Letters" at the Camden Library.  I will be bringing all my 12 by 12 quilts for her to see in person.  Even the one we reveal on July 12th- Gray.  I actually finished it yesterday while G was installing new digital boxes on two of our televisions.  The ones not controlled by TiVo.  It felt good to be "making" some fabric art.  Finding the fabric I wanted was more difficult as some is upstairs on shelves, some is packed in project boxes, some is still downstairs, some is in the wastebasket.

I keep running across projects that I worked on and then tucked away in a box or bag.  A lovely Japanese piece was uncovered yesterday afternoon.  I "finished" a project begun by my dearly departed friend Beverly.  She had cut a multitude of trapezoid shapes from Japanese fabrics.  It was not the most fun I have had, piecing them all together.  In the end, I had a very long piece but not very wide.  I think I stopped because I had no idea what I was making.  I knew I was "done" since I had run out of fabric shapes and actual Japanese fabric.  I guess I need to figure out where this project is going.  It might make a nice set of couch pillows for my son who loves Japan.  Or it will remain in that project box-- until I "next" open it and discover this project-waiting.  See that repeat on the right?  I noticed quite a bit of that when I was looking at the length.  I can see the "perfectionist" with a seam ripper in hand, making changes.  I think THIS is WHY it's unfinished.  It needs UNsewing.

No television again last night.  I read my book and G was fixing the new digital boxes.  Why do they always say it will be "easy"?  It rained pretty hard last night as the cold front blew through here to the ocean.  Today is supposed to be cooler, breezy with sunshine. A very nice day to weed the vegetable garden.  The soil will be soft and moist. G has the day off and I am considering calling out at work. Just looked at my schedule and there is no one working in the greenhouse but me today.  Crap.  My parents beat (literally) a work ethic into me.  It's so hard for me to NOT go to work.

Riley has a vet appointment.  They will be discussing the dog's change in personality.  He doesn't come when called, won't get in the car etc.  Has become stubborn.  Not as playful.  And then there's the whole refusing to eat thing, which isn't always but is often enough to be worrying.  He wouldn't come into the house yesterday (I don't like to leave him in the yard when I shower) so Riley got a few sharp words from me.  He apologized and was on his best behavior for the remainder of yesterday afternoon.  But he was outside where he wanted to be.  G has noticed things also.  So the vet appointment is important. A neighbor's dog, Pete, died of cancer at 4 years (Riley is 4).  Two months from first symptom to death. We have to be observant. Watchful.

I am going up to do Pilates.

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