Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday Morning Sunshine

As you can see, the trees are gone.  Well, in reality they are laying on their sides waiting to be cut into chunks and carried to the truck.  This part of the operation, sans gas powered, noisy machines, is less interesting to the work crew.  They (the two that are here) are moving at the speed of molasses.  It's hot.  It's sunny.  There are biting bugs. The four foot tree chunks are heavy.

We have a lot more sun in the back yard and don't the hardwoods look nice?  Better than looking at pine trees.  I am imagining an enlarged perennial bed in front of the shed and possibly an apple tree.  Do any self pollinate?  But right now I should be filling the shed window boxes with flowers. I have to go get "sunny" flowers now.  Petunias.

G has enough wood chips to last a few years now.  We can layer them into nice paths from the garage to the shed and then to the garden.  And G can take down any really small trees to give us more "air" circulation which keeps down the bugs.

Three full days of vacation and I am DONE.  I don't want to go anywhere, I don't want to shop. I don't want to do anything but finish neglected household chores and get my garden planted.  I managed to get my Pilates/yoga into the morning so far.  After eating cereal for breakfast.  I wanted it.  I ate it.  I poured the remainder into the compost bucket.  Sometimes you have to give in, to learn a lesson.  I also ate a hardboiled egg to compensate for all the forbidden carbs in the cereal (40).  My real motivation was the half gallon of soy milk with an expiration date in the fridge.  I should have just had a glass of milk with a MIM or had Fiber One cereal.  It doesn't matter now.  It's in the compost and won't bother me any more. G won't eat it because my shredded wheat biscuits aren't coated in sugar.  His are.

G vacuumed the floors and carpets, made the bed and is now walking the dog.  I mopped the floors and have some wash in the washer.  I repotted the gardenia.  We have books (and book sale paperwork) to pick up at the library, my eyeglasses need an adjustment and we were going to the bank but it can wait until Monday.  I'm tired.  And hungry.  See what happens when I eat carbs?????

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