Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mary, A David Austin Rose

I love the English roses.  This one especially.  It was always named Mary, perhaps after a Queen?  Who knows.  But this is the rose I use when making a bouquet.  I usually add Lady's Mantle for the green and catmint for the blue.  And if the yarrow is in flower at the time, I add it for the yellow.  My favorite color combination for the garden.  Pink, blue, chartreuse and yellow. All purpose for hospital visits, new neighbors and birthday gifts.

It was hot at work today.  And I was retaining water.  So my energy was being double teamed and I was tired, as was every other employee.  Not many customers, so more "cleaning".  We were all hoping her would send us home early.  I was miffed to see that no one had refilled the potting soil container.  I seem to be the only person who "knows" how to put dry soilless mix in the container and add water.

Our schedules now have us coming in at 7:30.  I left the house at 7, dropped the dog off at daycare and still was the first one to get to work.  That meant trying to remember the security code to shut off the alarm.  Third time worked.  Of course, having the police arrive and call the boss to say the alarm was going off would have ensured I never was asked to show up at 7:30 again.  I also had to open the safe. I felt so "important".  LOL

I also injured my right wrist while trying to pick up a surprisingly heavy daylily for a landscaper.  G took me to the drugstore to buy a wrist wrap to keep my wrist unbent.  It feels better and I am reminded not to use it for lifting, opening doors, or anything else.  G wants me to file a workman's comp report in case it's really something that will need medical attention.  I did this once before and it was a nerve thing and my thumb went numb on and off.  My doctor said the numbness would move up along the entire length of the nerve before it was gone.  And it did.  All the way into my neck.  Months later.

We are having leftover lasagna again.  It's pretty salty and not the best thing for me to be eating.  That's all I have to write about today.  Hope tomorrow is more interesting.

1 comment:

  1. The bouquet sounds wonderful. Makes me want to be your next new neighbor! I'm sorry you hurt your wrist - and I'm with G...(since I work in HR) please report it to your workplace and have them file the appropriate paperwork so you are protected, just in case. Even if you don't go to the doctor or incur any additional expenses, it should be on record. Your employer may want you to go ahve it checked out "just in case" as well.

    Take care and heal quickly!
