Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happiness Is....

Bright golden Coreopsis on the back deck.  The Tree Guys grinding down the stumps in the yard.  Even old stumps.  The Tree Loader playing "throw the stick" with Riley out in the back yard.  Working only three days next week.  Getting my haircut on Tuesday.  Having Rhubarb Sauce with Cool Whip in the evening as a once a week treat for having survived another day of dieting, even though I gained 3 pounds overnight.

I survive the diet by trying on clothes in the "Does Not Fit" box in the closet.  All the Spring and Summer work pants from a few months ago (remember they were all too tight) are now just fine and even a bit baggy in the rear/hip sections. I zipped the size 14 jeans this morning and could do deep knee bends and pick things up off the floor.  Only one pair of cotton capris that are too snug and they will now be my "Test Pants" for the coming weeks.

I also chart my progress by the clothes I purchased the summer of the 365 Diet in 2007 when I lost 80 pounds.  I am now wearing August of 2007.  The clothing I purchased then, now fits as it did then.  The next challenge will be Fall of 2007 (the size 10 dotted dress and the skirts) and then Spring of 2008 when I reached my lowest weight.  The blazer.  Buttoned. And the size 12 jeans.  They are the only things I have from that time.  Everything else was donated to Goodwill.  I never thought I would be able to return to that size.

Wouldn't it be amusing if all these things fit and I still haven't lost any weight on the scale?

I was telling Dee this morning, that my "Test Pants" had been a green corduroy pair of pants (I had re-gained weight by this time) that I wore the weekend we drove to Ohio and my Dad died. My dad was always sort of disgusted with me for having gained so much weight.  He didn't like heavy women.  He was so happy when I lost weight in 2007 and kept pictures of me on the wall near his chair.  I wore those "test pants" and looked thin on the last night of his life.  He thought I was beautiful.  I was so happy that was his last vision of me.  The pants fit this morning.  I had a good cry.  The karma isn't lost on me.  I finally finished the very last bit of his estate this month.  The bank sent my daughter a check and all accounts are closed.  And the pants fit.  October of 2008.  Now, I just have to return to March 2008 and stay there.  The Blazer.

G has gone to our daughter's house to take the rest of the cut lilac branches to the town recycling center. He spent most of yesterday there thinning out the bushes, cutting down trees and clearing up messy areas. He filled the truck yesterday but had another full load for today.  Sam helped him load this morning and borrowed our mower to do her grass cutting.  Riley is spending the day with me again.  And barking at the workers.

I have things to do but I am feeling sleepy and lazy.  It's almost Summer.


  1. Your blog today was very moving, especially since Father's Day is tomorrow.

    Thank you.
