Thursday, June 23, 2011

Did You Miss Me?

Lordy, what a few days I have had.  Work.  Library Book Sale Set Up.  Work.  But, on the way home today, the Strawberry Flag was still out and the Strawberry Ladies had "just" one box of fresh picked Maine berries left and it was mine!!!  I intend to buy a box every day that the flag is out.  I always say I will, and then forget.  Not this year.

I worked (as a volunteer) from 7:30 to 4:30 yesterday, lifting 187 boxes of books off the floor and unloading them onto tables, loading boxes on a cart for two women, answering questions (making so many decisions) and reprimanding the help.  Do it my way.  Period.  I had a hard boiled egg, a few radishes and a chocolate MIM with a Thermos of coffee all day.  I gained a pound.  I still am doing Induction.  I now weigh what I did before I even started the Atkins Diet.  Well, actually, I weigh one pound more than what I weighed before I started.  I wonder about the futility of all this. Today my pants didn't seem to even fit looser.  My horoscope for the day said not to dwell on things that haven't gone as planned. How true.  My bra was very loose.

It rained all day today and my work sweatshirt wasn't in my car or my locker, so I was cold all day and it's supposed to be 50 or less overnight.  Short summer we had last week.  I spent my day at (real) work picking dead leaves and dried up flowers off of the fuchsias.  Yes, I did that all day, having water pour down on my clothes (overwatered pots), when I wasn't answering questions about insects and plant diseases.  My lunch was a cold salad of Romaine, Feta cheese, 5 Greek olives and ranch dressing and the window in the lunch room was open so I could have a cold draft chilling me even more.  I'm working on finishing off the quart of sugar free iced tea I took to work.  And then I will drink a second quart of plain water.  I am trying to drink more liquids.

I found a used copy of the Atkins book I have been borrowing from the library plus a cookbook and an Atkins For Life book.  If I ever get to "Life" there is occasional cereal (Fiber One) with soy milk and yogurt with fruit.  There was only ONE of each Atkins book in the entire book sale.  How's that for Karma?

I'm going to take a shower now.  And read.  And put on wool socks.  And a sweater.  Hey, it's a fantastic SUMMER here in Maine.  My Cool Whip has high fructose corn syrup in it.  So I guess I shouldn't be eating it even with a carb count of 2 for the 2 T I was going to have on my strawberries. Rats.  I'll whip some unsweetened heavy cream instead.

1 comment:

  1. Those strawberries look so good and there is nothing like the taste of fresh local berries. YUM!

    We are having similar weather and you'll pardon the expression when I saw it sucks.
    Rain everyday for the past 11 days and more for the next couple. So far it's either 90 degrees or 60. Everything is growing mold including me. The only upside I can see is that I don't have to water the garden.
