Friday, April 15, 2011


Ridiculously gorgeous.  I took my camera to work with me today and snapped some "eye candy" for all of you to look at while being forced to read the puff that I write below the pictures.  Is that chartreuse in the center?

Today I am exhausted.  In mind and body.  Muscle fatigue and a tension headache which started in my neck while I was outside picking damaged blossoms from the pansies.  All the pansies.  There was some fun also as the guys are trying to find all the leaks in the irrigation system. I am thankful I don't have to help dig holes and get soaked.

G is talking me to dinner.  I may fall asleep in my food.

I didn't fall asleep and had eggplant.  Feeling very full now and plan to change into my jammies and watch Fringe.  The title up top was spelled wrong and Dee caught my mistake.  Thank you, Dee.  Riley update: His blood work was perfect as was his urine test.  He is in excellent health (tremendous leg muscles) but needs to get rid of 8 pounds.   The vet says he's overweight.  How can a dog who isn't eating be over weight you ask?  Well, I guess he's been eating "something".   Now he has grainless and holistic foods and is gobbling them down in modest (weight control) portions.  Begging for meals to be served.  How's that for progress!  Potato and Duck.  I guess it makes sense as he is very interested in the ducks on the wetland pool.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you get some strength back soon and enjoy your dinner.
    No matter how many times I see those beauties I am always blown away by their amazing colors and big, fat, blossoms. You taught me something today(as usual)I thought it was spelled ranunculus...duh
    Rest up!
