Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday, Monday

This little foliage plant is called a "Chicken Gizzard" and I have no idea why.  I bought it because when I was a very little girl (less than 2) I would climb (crawl) up the tall staircase to the second floor where my grandparents lived calling "gizzies" to my grandmother.  She would have chicken gizzards for me.  And. I seemed to have liked eating them.  This little plant reminds me of my grandmother.  I loved her so much.

Work has been good this past week.  I haven't been able to fit my exercises in to my days.  And this week I am going in to work an hour earlier on the morning shifts.  Tomorrow is an afternoon shift and I will be doing my Pilates (and a few yoga poses).  Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  Three days of exercise.

Easter dinner turned out to be warmed up slices of leftover pizza.  Hey, it happens.  My after work shower was way too relaxing and G had to be into work at 1 am on Monday so he went to bed very early.  I stayed up to watch Masterpiece Theater and the Killing on AMC.  I went onto one of those comment blogs and, really, we aren't watching the same program.  Obviously.  I am missing huge chunks of "clues".  But.  Still thinking the same people are the "killer" as the people with way too many clues.

Time to eat, iron five more shirts, write checks for the bills, take my shower and watch DWTS.  And read my book.

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