Monday, April 18, 2011


Either the wiring in several multiple apartment buildings decided to ignite in a "group effort" or we have an arsonist in our charming little town.   Sunday, at 2.30 am, the 1887  Firestone building where I get my hair cut, burned so badly that it had to be torn down.  The building, the businesses and the apartments (homes) of 17 people --all gone.  I wanted to have G drive me past so I could see it.  Instead, we watched recorded television and then ate dinner @ 7.30.  Now G is watching DWTS and I am not.

What is happening on Earth?  94 tornados in one day.  70 earthquakes in a 24 hour period all over the world.  Snow on April 18 in Chicago.  Here in Maine the peepers are peeping out in the vernal pool on the side of my yard.  My peas are planted and Wednesday I plan to set my red onion bulbs in soil and plant beet seeds.  I hope the Earth keeps spinning (even if it's off kilter due to the 9.0 quake in Japan) until my garden produces.

My days at work are wearing me out.  I am exhausted.  Nearly falling asleep in the hot showers I take after work. Lifting, walking, bending, leaning over short tables.  Work for much younger people.  G visited on Sunday and brought me a coffee.  Later, at home, he mentioned that everyone I work with is "very young"--just kids is the way he put it.  Yes.  Now that 89 year old Ed has gone to live with his children in Massachusetts, I am the "old" person working here.  There is a 50 something who works on the weekends (a high school teacher) but she has quite a bit of energy.

I am going to finish my ice water with lemon and sink into the couch cushions, perchance to dream. I decided not to have my house cleaned.  The reason, the thing that bothered me the most: having to give her a key to my house.  I didn't want to.  So, I won't.  Simple.   I filled my pants pocket with notes, slips of paper and made phone calls from work.  Customer inquiries. All taken care of.  The internet.  A Wonder. Sweetgrass. Red PassionVine. Bamboo. Cardamon Seeds.


  1. Hope you get your energy back. I can soooo relate. Just clearing out the,so called,walk-in closet of Roger's clothing for donations has all but done me in several days in a row.Clearing out his clothes lead to clearing out much of the accumulated crap I have let slide for too long. Feels good to get rid of stuff.
    Glad you got a cleaning person. Would she like to visit Long Island for a couple of days?

  2. April is one of the biggest months for tornado activity. Snow in April isn't that unusual for Chicago or any other part of northern Illinois although I can definitely live without it. As for earthquakes, check out this link and you can see that there is usually quite a bit of seismic activity going on. It shows where they are and the magnitude.

    Don't worry. Be happy!
