Friday, April 01, 2011

April Fool From Mother Nature

My sunny spot on the deck.  Not so sunny this morning covered in heavy wet snow.  I am dressed for work. I even got into the car and drove on my unplowed street to the "sort of plowed" main road and then ran into a road block of fire trucks and a downed power line.  That's when I decided to turn around at the first opportunity and return home and call work and say I'm not coming in today.  I have upped the thermostat temps to get the house good and warm for the impending power failure.

The dog is depressed as he had a "hell of a good time" on his walk yesterday and now--well, he won't be walking there today.  We'll be snowblowing.  G is up and I got him to shower and toast his bagel quickly just in case.  But he's having cereal.

I found the lawn chair picture to be very amusing so I wanted to post it before the power flickers again and we go dark here in Maine.  Will winter EVER end?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, like the rest of this state, we are up early and getting everything done that needs electricity. It's a waiting game now.
