High winds, downpours, high humidity, no sun but no tornados. Looking out, past the tomato plant and the begonia tuber sending up shoots, to the garden bed where I dug out grass and weeds yesterday afternoon. I can feel it in my arms and shoulders today.
Work was dull. Not much going on and too many employees. The crew yesterday (my day off) spread new gravel, added lots of new foliage plants and moved stuff and watered etc. Not much left for me to do but stand around and answer the phone.
Three days of exercising in a row plus an increase in the amount of protein (meat) that I have been eating. My son pointed out that my body needs more protein if I am exercising to build muscle. And I am exercising to build muscle. Most of it seems to be being built in my butt right now--but it's good, I guess. So, today I mixed up some tuna with mayo and had that on my toast at work instead of the usual jam. I still feel full. I think I can eat tuna with a mixed salad everyday for lunch for the month of May. This is my plan. The days that I can't I will have yogurt with protein powder mixed into it and 1/2 cup of raspberries. I haven't worked out the breakfast yet. But I think it will be eggs. I am trying to do Atkins or Protein Power for as many days as I can manage it to get some of this bulky fat off my body so I can do my exercises more effectively. Perhaps even see some muscles. My goal is 10 or 15 pounds. Half of what I need to get rid of.
I got some tiny Early Girl tomato starts today. And some green peppers. My own seeds never got planted. Shame on me. I still have time for zucchini, kale and cucumbers. G is going to plant beets, radishes and carrots for me on Sunday. When he plants the seeds, stuff comes up. My peas are coming up. I planted them. Now for a shower and some Tivo.
Indeed, exercise has a lot of factors that has to be taken into account..Thanks for sharing this!...Daniel