Sunday, March 27, 2011


I had 60 people listen to me talk about vegetable gardening yesterday.  And I got a jelly filled donut so I was happy and covered in sugar crystals.

Today my fourth straight day at work and I still have Monday and Tuesday to go.  I am very tired and my back hurts from standing on cement flooring answering questions. My skin feels like dry paper and while talking, my throat would dry up and I had to stop. I need to drink water but I don't have time to go to the toilet during the work day. I took a big orange pill last night, had a very hot shower and fell onto the couch to read a book.  Skipped dinner, but G felt sorry for me so he made me a small plate of cheese nachos (light on the cheese).  We were both in bed by 9 pm.

 G had to get to work early yesterday (5 am) when the person who was supposed to unlock the store, didn't show up and then, while making the nachos after 6 pm, G got calls from work about a fire alarm going off.  He had to make several cell phone calls (in the second story bathroom which is the only room with bars for cell service this week).  It's getting to be a real circus around here.

And Riley woke G up at 1.30 this morning because the dog wanted to go outside.  And bark.  I had woken up about 10 minutes before the dog--perhaps he knew I was awake?  There's no such thing as a good night's sleep around here this winter (even under the influence of big orange pills).  We are all in various states of sleepiness and fatigue.

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