I am about to chuck all my To Do List and find the lawn chair and go sit out on the stoop and watch the dog run about like a crazy dog. The sun is shining and it seems like Spring and I want to feel the sun on my face. Ah!
Riley standing in the septic melted Spring spot. I have little plant tips showing about 1.5 inches above the soil. Grass. Dirt. I intend to sprinkle the seeds from a packet of annual poppies out there in a few moments. I am going outside on March 12th without a coat, mittens or down liner. I am, in fact, going out there in my pajama pants and a sweater. With my coffee.
Yahoo!! Spring has sprung! I spent 16 years in Syracuse, 3 years in Waterville, several years in Boston and now I'm in Philadelphia which is the furthest north I ever want to be! I love your blog; I love your outlook on life and your humor. Enjoy your spot of green, sprinkle seeds where ever and take your coffee--and the dog--out on each warm day. Susan