Saturday, March 19, 2011

Guess What's Back?

Snow. It wasn't there when I went to sleep last night (after trying to catch a glimpse of the "Silver Moon") so I was surprised to see the snow when the dog asked to go OUT!!!.  He raced off the porch in the direction of squirrels.  And I stood, speechless, seeing snow where I had basked in 63 degrees and sunshine the day before.  Why?  Why?  Why won't winter quit?

The Full Moon today is in Virgo, my sign.  Either big trouble or change.  I think it might be a good day to lay low and read my new Jo Nesbo book which I picked up at the library after work yesterday.  Big. Lots of words.

I need to clear a path through all the unsorted piles of fabric in the workspace so G can get to the window. I had one of those "thoughts" yesterday.  We could exchange window blinds between the workspace and the bedroom.  The mini blind next to G's side of the bed has been "broken" for quite awhile.  So I can't turn the little wand and get sunlight nor does anything else work.  But the workspace blind is never used.  And it's little wand works.  So tomorrow G will work on that.  Plus, he will install my new Turbo Tax.  Tax Time.  Which wasn't so bad last year.

I didn't do any Pilates yesterday.  My day at work caused my back to hurt so I took an orange pill and called it a day.  G bought home take out from the deli in town.  I had the egg bagel with homemade fries and G had a steak and onion sub.  All freshly made of whole ingredients.  I had written about egg bagels in yesterday's post and to actually have one for dinner was amazing.  I think I could eat them every day.

I am going to make a meat sauce to go with pasta today.  Clean out the remainder of mushrooms. Use the package of ground sirloin in the freezer.  Maybe use the marinara I made this summer and have stored in the freezer.  Clean the floor space in the workroom.  Walk the dog.  Eventually, do my Pilates. Vaccum.  Change the dog bedding.  Since there is nothing worth watching on television, I will then have the evening to spend reading.  I work all day tomorrow.  I also need to make some collages in my journal or at least do some drawings.  I saw an interesting white crayon blind drawing with a watercolor wash over the top on a blog site.  I can try that.  So, a busy Saturday.  How about you?


  1. As a fellow Virgo, I am laying low also. Tidying up, painting pages, and enjoying the sunshine as it will disappear tomorrow. Enjoy your day.

  2. Nothing worth watching on television? It's NCAA time, yeah!
