Saturday, February 19, 2011

No Picture Saturday

I had a good day. Walked the dog.  Nice shower.  Some snow dusted the streets when I went out this morning and the wind was quite "blustery".

Tried my new Jillian Whey Protein Mix for lunch.  I mixed one scoop with water and 12 frozen Walmart strawberries and it was pretty thin, sour and not very nice.  I added a spoon of sugar and a splash of soy milk.  Better but no creamy strawberry shake taste.  It was better than eating crackers or chips. I will try it with soy milk tomorrow and I have bananas so I can add one of those to see if that helps.  All the additions add calories. But not as many as half a box of Wheat Thins.

QVC sent a letter stating that they had credited my card with a refund.  They had no Pilates machines (like mine) in stock even though they had told me they had plenty when I returned the defective one.  I am feeling very sad about this turn of events.  Machines at the manufacturer's site cost $400 more than the one I bought and are the same machine.  At least the picture looks just the same.

G came home  from work an hour early because he was "just plain tired" which is a good thing.  He usually doesn't notice that he has over extended himself and just tries to keep going.  Knowing when you have done enough and are really tired is a positive sign.  He and Riley are asleep on the dog bed.

We had Chinese take out yesterday.  I ate half of my Sesame Chicken and decided I don't like Chinese Food anymore.  Could have been that it was "chicken".  Or is something happening to food?  I am buying my regular products and they all taste odd. Even my Kraft Mac and Cheese didn't make my tastebuds happy.  I'm not taking any medication.  Food just tastes odd.  And I crave SALT.

I am going to reheat the Sesame Chicken for G and add some fresh steamed broccoli.  Then serve him rhubarb pie and coffee.  I don't know what I will make--perhaps a nice salad if the lettuce is still edible. I always like a nice salad with feta, olives and ranch dressing.  Salty.

Early to bed for all three of us I think.

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