Thursday, February 17, 2011

Next Twelve by Twelve Challange

The colors are blue, beige and sage green.  Colors that occur in the paint in and on my house.  Originally, I had a faded sage green house with linen white trim.  In the New England tradition, I started painting the ceilings of my porches sky blue.  The actual color of the sky over my backyard.  I held color swatches up to the sky, trying to match the intense "blueness" of a Maine sky.  I only managed the sunroom (porch) ceiling as it involved over painting to cover the knots in the beaded ceiling, then the first coat of blue and then the second coat.  I was exhausted and less enthused about the four or five times larger front porch ceiling.  We had the house repainted in one of the Martha Stewart "Prison" collection colors--shortbread. While the painters were covering the sage with shortbread, I asked them to paint the porch ceiling blue and they were not enthusiastic.  So, it's a bright white now as is all the house trim.  The shutters are painted the exact color of fresh rhododendron leaves (we had to paint them this color as the painters didn't think that was a good choice of color- in fact the owner of the painting company was here to fix something and he averted his eyes from the shutters).  I had intended to add a fourth color--that mottled brown in one of the center dots.  I was going for a modern Majolica palette.  I still am wanting to have the house body color stained a less yellowish color (shortbread is buttery) and more of a sourdough color.  The cost and general lack of enthusiasm by the painting company has slowed the progress of this plan.  They are extremely good painters.  And, so far, their balking has more to do with taste than work ethic.

I also painted my main bathroom sage green and added a hooked carpet of sage green, cream and rosy pink.  I am tired of all this "home spun" look and want to remove it all and start over with a cleaner and more modern look.  Which means getting rid of a great deal of knick knacks.  Lots of little jars with cherries painted on and other 1930's stuff.  That was me in 1991 and a few years after.  Antique shows, quilts and hooked rugs.  I'd really like new toilets and sinks.  New, modern toilets are very nice indeed.

I finished one book and started another.  I planned to read last evening but Top Chef had the Muppets on and Cookie Monster and Elmo were just too damned CUTE and I had to watch.  Watching Cookie Monster shout "COOKIE" about a thousand different ways was so funny.  And Elmo doing a critique of Dale's cookie was unbelievably sweet.  Richard being blown away by actually being "with" Elmo, his young daughter's FAVORITE was good, he was speechless with joy.  I hope they took pictures of them together for the daughter to treasure.  Daddy & Elmo.  Doesn't get better than that, does it for a 2 or 3 year old?

No Pilates machine.  I have to walk the dog.  G is reading and napping.  That's how he intends to spend his day off.

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