Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Getting Better

G got up this morning, dressed and prepared his breakfast and drove himself to the dentist's office.  But I had gotten the appointment wrong and it wasn't 8:30 THIS morning.  He is now resting (sleeping) but feeling a bit more "normal" for having re-entered (if only temporarily) the routine of any other morning.  His blood work showed no improvement so now he will do a trial of steroids to see if that changes anything.

Another trip to Walmart to pick up the steroids.  I think that is the worst part of this.  Sitting in the pharmacy section of Walmart and watching the parade of people coming and going. People I NEVER see anywhere else, ever.  I asked my daughter, on Saturday, where they come from.  Where do they live?  Does the construction of a Walmart engender a new, sub culture to appear in the area around the Walmart?  I have never seen the employees of the Walmart anywhere else, either.  It is so strange.  Like living in a "string theory" sort of relativity.  Two separate groups, side by side, but unaware of the existence of the other--- except when they visit Walmart.  Perhaps we should have registered our prescriptions at Target.

In answer to Gema, American hospitals are for the extremely ill patient.  Everything and everyone else, is treated out of their primary care doctor's offices.  Even emergency room patients are sent home after being treated.  If you can't go home (live alone) then you are sent to a rehab unit (unless all rehab units are filled).  After surgery, and as soon as you can walk to the bathroom, you are also sent home or to rehab with all your dangling tubes, bandages etc. I know someone who is trying to take care of an older family member with a feeding tube until a space opens in a rehab unit.

The UPS man came yesterday and we weren't home so he left a note saying he will return today between 10 and 3.  And I signed my furnace contract and delivered it to the energy company yesterday and they called to say they will arrive Thursday morning to begin the installation.  We should be able to take hot showers on Friday.  Life is improving.

I began my new journal this morning with a drawing of a rabbit.  Year of the Rabbit.  A "wonderful, gentle time to heal, transform, be kind and pure with each other."  Also a good time to declutter and CLEAN everything.  Learn to live a pared down minimal life (metal rabbit year), get by with less.  The Dragon is coming in 2012.  So, my new journal will be pared down to simple line drawings and more of a zen feel.  Clean.  And my house will get the same treatment.  Less.  Even less.

I don't think I will ever get to the one chair, one table, one bed, one spoon, one bowl sort of Zen but I often dream of starting over in a new place with nothing.  Adding one or two things as needed and being able to just walk away when the time is right to walk away.  Carrying nothing.  Until then I will enjoy my dozen or more pairs of undies, the linen sheets and down comforter.

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