Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Today's Best Friend

My nose has been running (really like a faucet) since I woke up.   I have a pile of used Kleenex next to the keyboard (I have been reading blogs and visiting sites) along with an empty coffee cup and crumbs from my raisin English muffins.  It's snowing.  Riley has pushed his nose into the bell hanging from the back door (asking to please, go out) and so he is out.  Chasing something.  I think we are getting 3 to 5 inches of snow and then rain or sleet.  Maybe both.  A Trifecta of ICK. I am seriously reluctant to go for a dog walk.

G and I will be having meatloaf, mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli for dinner tonight.  I planned ahead and bought everything I would need yesterday at the store.  I did forget to buy a pound of zucchini for the Martha Stewart Ratatouille I want to make for myself.  I bought the peppers and eggplant and when I found myself drawn to the pile of wintery zukes I thought, "why would I want a summer vegetable in January?"  and walked on by.  WHEN WILL I  LEARN TO LISTEN TO MY INTUITION?  I can probably substitute a butternut squash for the zucchini and add more liquids.  Who knows, I might like the result?

I have followed a link from iHanna to a Pennyslvania blogger who has 16 Creative Nudges.  I wrote them all down on my desk calendar (January 17,18 and 25) and plan to work on a few (they take 5 minutes max) since I am creatively blocked at the moment.  I guess I can only do one thing at a time.  Right now, it's wipe or blow my nose every 5 seconds. I would link but I didn't bookmark and have no idea who the PA blogger is and you can go to iHanna and see her gray paint nudge and follow the link. All these nudges are meant for the "art journal" and some are meant for the "sketchbook project" and some are meant for....... well, people are certainly very busy cutting up paper and pasting it down and painting it with gesso and making marks and coloring with crayons and smearing things with wet paper towels etc.  It's all like some super adult Kindergarten.  I did like the idea of moving some of my picture files to a word document and then resizing and printing them on sticky packed label paper and then sticking them on random journal pages.  If I knew how to do any of those things.

I think I will begin with the water soluable crayon Nudge since Sam gave me a nice set of crayons for Christmas.  I should use them.

Second cup of coffee. The nose has slowed and nearly stopped. Time to move along and be a bit productive.  Make something. Clean something.  Sort something.  Read something.  Water something. Plant something (artichoke seeds).  Oh, goody.  Sneezing.

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