Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow or Art?

While walking the dog, I often stop to admire the snow patterns embossed on the surface of the street.  Tires, shoes and dogs have pressed, printed, smeared the snow, dirt and sand into patterns resembling art.  This picture doesn't have enough black (of the asphalt) to give it real depth and character and the tan and brown of sand is missing.  This is what I had in my driveway. Make do with what I have.

G is sleeping.  He shoveled the porch, started coughing and realized he was exhausted and couldn't breathe.  I wonder how long before all his germs infect my lungs?  Since he was feeling "poorly" I got to walk the dog after my Pilates. (which I extended today to included upper body and cardio).  The walk was very pleasant today.  Sunshine, warmer temps than the last few days and slush instead of ice underfoot.  The BIG northeast snow storm?  Nah, didn't happen.

I had two radishes, a roasted beet and I am now fortifying myself with a small handful of walnut halves. The Pilates takes away any hunger pains I might have had, normally at 4 pm, having skipped lunch and done all that exercise. I think I could skip the walnuts and just drink something.  I am actually thirsty. I am also exhausted.  Did I already tell you that?  I've written and deleted this post once already, so I forget what I wrote before and am trying NOT to write again.  I was being negative.  Because I am tired.

I am also doing many things and not actually getting anything done.  Yes, the laundry and dinner gets done.  The bed gets made, the dog is cared for etc.  I have managed to read an entire book.  But where is the doing of the things I had hoped to accomplish on my winter furlough?  The art.  The sewing.  The painting.  Not enough room in the day. Here it is 4 pm and this is the first time, in this day, I have had to just sit and think.  And it is getting dark.

Tomorrow I have a lunch date with a friend at 12 (it was cancelled on January 7th) and have to try and fit in the Pilates and the dog walk before and after the lunch date.  These three things will fill the day.  Preparing dinner will take up any remaining time.  And it will be 4 pm and getting dark. Again.

But I have chosen to use the Pilates machine.  And this is what happens to plans made.

Three more large, heavy piles of fabric have been carried upstairs and sorted onto the "new" fabric closet shelves. I have checked the orchids for mealy bugs and need to bring alcohol and Q-tips up tomorrow to remove the pesty things.  I like exercising surrounded by my houseplants.  Feels very good.  And I get to tinker, water and check them each morning.  Not on my list of things to do, but done anyway.

G and I went out for an early dinner (late lunch) and something happened that I don't have any 
memories of happening in my lifetime.  I felt FULL and didn't finish my dinner.  I think it's my beginner ab muscles pushing back and saying "stop".  Anyway, it's not very comfortable and I think I will ask for a to go box when I order my lunch and put half the meal in the box.  Who knew?  This from someone who has NEVER had Ab Muscles.  EVER.  And these aren't even real muscles yet.  Shocker!

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