They are fully budded but haven't opened yet so the overpowering fragrance is still a few days away. There are people who love the scent. I am not one of them. I live a fragrance free life, generally, but do like very pale, citrus scents in bath products. Something I can smell but you can't. This mass of green, growing stuff is so good to be seeing on cold snowy days. The only thing better is a visit to a greenhouse, because the greenhouse has that earthy, moist dirt smell. Miss it.
When G got home from work yesterday, he found me on the couch, sleepy and interested in ordering take out. I had a Greek Salad and a skimpy cheese wedge with marinara. I have them put 1/3rd of the cheese on what is a thin 10 inch cheese pizza. G had cheese ravioli with meatballs and a side salad. It was all very good. Then I worked on stuff at the computer and G watched the "Cape" a pilot for a series on television.
The sun is shining, it's 28 degrees, G is walking the dog and then we will be watching Football. I plan on doing a bit of house straightening in between now and Football. Taking a shower and getting dressed, also. In other words, I have no ambitious ideas for the day. G wants to carry the Pilates box upstairs and get the machine set up. That's a good idea. He thinks he wants to use it. Why not. I'm still just getting used to the "idea" of using the machine. And I still haven't made a decision on Netflix or the iPad. A real "foot dragger".
i live my ipad-most versatile.and you can have netflix on it.:) as well as the nook ap. ibooks and amazon kindle ap and tons of other stuff. enjoy the game. My husband is rooting for..... i forget. there will be a pot of chili which i will put on soon.