Monday, January 10, 2011

Looking At My House From The Outside

I had an early morning visit from the furnace guy (with a contract for a new furnace and water heater) and I intended to direct him to the living room, which is tidy (since I took down the tree and cleared things up) but he wanted a table, so we went into the dining room and I attempted to clear a space for him to set out his papers.  Now, after his visit, I am trying to REALLY clean things up.  We aren't, technically, Hoarders, but we do keep a great deal of crap, with no purpose.  Like the packaging from things we have opened and are using.  I have set a goal of throwing one thing away for every three I pick up.  I wish I could throw bills away.

Riley has spent the morning barking.  There must be a great deal of squirrel activity out in the back yard. I spent a few minutes with my new bottle of Windex and a few sheets of newspaper, cleaning the windows facing the squirrel area.  My arms are certainly out of practice for window cleaning.  I feel like I just ran a marathon.

We went to Target yesterday afternoon and shopped in the "Stock Up!" area.  Paper towels, Windex, Dawn, and Cascade tublets for the dishwasher.  They had 56 quart Sterlite containers on sale for $4.50 so I got four more.  They are waiting in the workroom for me to fill them and then carry them upstairs. I need to move the bags I have in the foyer to a less conspicuous spot.  Those are for the Linus Project. I also bought new underpants.  Again.  I packed up the ones I bought last time.  Am I the only person who buys defective underpants?  Too wide, too small, too long, too big.  All in the same package of 6 pairs. The new packages are all the same: too big.  And I am fine with that.  The washer and dryer will sort it all out. And I may just not be meant to wear the next smaller size--ever.  We have to face these facts.  I could go shopping at Jockey and buy one pair for what 6 cost me at Target.  Someday.

I just deleted a paragraph on not wanting to cook dinner.  I'm not interested in eating any of the things I have ingredients to make.  And I don't want to go to the grocery.  I'm just in a very ornery mood. I think I'll go kick something.


  1. Today's my birthday. I am home sick and feel ornery also. I would also LOVE to kick something, but it would probably break then I would have to clean it up cause you can bet no one else will! LOL.

  2. So what did you girls end up kicking?
