Saturday, November 27, 2010

First Snow & Chocolate Pie Research

Friday we had sleet covered, slick roads in the morning.  Saturday, today, the roads were clear but the parking lot at work was covered in rough ice and I worried that I would slip and fall.  By the time I left work at 5 pm, snow was falling.  Big flakes like the ones in a snow globe.  Winter is here a whole month early.  It feels cold here in the house tonight, but at work, the sun was pouring through the greenhouse windows and it was HOT.

My day was neither good nor bad.  It just was a long day of making Holiday Boxes.  I started with a back up of 7 and after working all day making boxes, I ended with a back up of 7.  And we had to set up the coffee and cake table.  Seems we weren't done with coffee and cake.  Thought we were, but we were incorrect.

I am continuing on my quest for info on the chocolate pies for Thanksgiving.  Annie isn't from Maine and has always had chocolate pie.  My friend K always has chocolate pie but not always for Thanksgiving.  I have lived in five states and believe that chocolate pie was a required holiday pie in only two.  Maine and Illinois.  Baker's Square Chocolate Pie was required at any and all events when I lived outside of Chicago.  It was always very difficult for me to choose: banana cream or chocolate pie? I am also finding that there is a divide between pudding mix chocolate and one made with cornstarch, eggs and milk.  I also discovered that whatever chocolate pie you ate first in your life, is now the "real" pie and the only one that will ever be "the" pie.  I had no idea feelings were this strong when it came to chocolate pie.  We don't have a "pie restaurant" here in Maine (that I know of) so I am going to have to continue doing pie research throughout the winter. I know.  Hard work.

Tomorrow is G's birthday and he is going to the movies with our daughter (and eating popcorn and having a big soft drink). I am not.  We will also be walking in the frozen cold woods with Riley.  Monday I begin working more hours at work.  The holiday work schedule.  Friday I have been invited to a cookie exchange party.  Driving in the dark.  Not happy about that even though I do love a party.  On Monday, December 5th, we are attending the company party for my husband's job.  Thursday of that week my husband's bank is having a cocktail party.  And then, it's all over.  No more parties.  I think I would have enjoyed it more if we had a party every week and not three in 7 days.  Not that we have ever made it to all the parties we are invited to in December because bad weather limits our attendance.  I will not risk our life and automobile just for cocktails and bacon wrapped scallops.

I also have to decide and work on the tree card I am sending this year.  And do laundry and iron shirts and change the bed sheets and water the plants upstairs.  And read my three books.  Sigh.


  1. I love that photo.

    I love most things chocolate, but not chocolate pie--neither kind. Chocolate pie doesn't seem like "real" pie to me. Pecan pie--now that's real pie!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry,I had trouble posting comments so moved to google account.I had to delete my comment and start over.

    I'm the same Annie that has been posting and yup I'm from Maine,born and bred, lived here for 67 years, about 40 miles south of you.

    On the choc pie I have made it up from scratch, but do it the easy now from the pudding mix, made one yesterday.

    We watched the video The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo last evening. Wow, great story and excellent movie!

  4. Lovelovelove your pic!

    I could not do chocolate pies...I can only take chocolate in small doses. Now my dd, she is a chocolate addict!

    I tasted a pecan pie once, one fork full and found it so overwhelmingly sweet, heavy, with an awful texture and generally not nice that I'd never touch that again.
    I'll stay with my apple pies and pumpkin pies.

  5. Have you read The Help? Chocolate pie plays an important part in the book.

    I don't really like pie of any kind... except maybe peanut butter pie in an Oreo crust.

  6. I thought Deborah's peanut butter pie was off the top until I googled and found a peanut butter cheese cake with oreo cookies pie!

    How incredible! I've just agained 25lbs.
