Monday, April 26, 2010

Resistance Is Futile

My horoscope for today. Stop struggling. Resistance is futile. Make do, the best I can, with what I have. I'm not really struggling with anything. We are just really busy and people are "calling out" so we didn't have enough coverage in Trees & Shrubs today. And I didn't get to spend as much time as I wanted in the Perennial Yard. I've been asked to make a map. Isn't the alphabet a map?

G's pizza is in the oven. Mine is waiting to be prepped. Our first actual dinner in about a week. Quite a thrill. G has been reading the blog again and went a bit crazy shopping for things for dinner. Sushi one night, and some kind of fishy spring rolls the next. Yesterday I made blueberry pancakes for my breakfast and then had a strawberry ice cream cone for dinner. I think I had a banana for lunch. Not enough food. I was starving by breakfast this morning and gobbled up my huge salad and chicken at lunchtime.

Three classes on Saturday and Sunday. The other MG had a flat tire and didn't show up. So I had 15 minutes notice to step up and do the class. And then prep for the 2 pm class. And then do it again on Sunday. I'm pretty tired of doing classes. One more to go.

I had to back out of the gallery jury process. Just no time to create any work or find and decide which of my already made pieces I would put into the jury process. And there was still the work I would need each time something sold. Time. Resistance was futile.

My pizza has gone into the oven. 18 minutes. Then I can eat. And sit quietly. DWTS tonight. And perhaps have an hour or two to read my Wallander. Getting close to the end of the book.

A coworker brought in a plastic carrier bag of iris tubers. Blue. And asked if I wanted them. I said yes. I know just where they will be planted. And I saw that I have tulips blooming in the Veg garden. I must walk out there and look at them. A surprise. My perennial beds close to the house are a sea of golden daffodils and tiny blue Forget Me Nots.

Rain and wet snow and colder temps are on the way. We need rain. It was almost too warm the past weekend. In fact, it was warmer than it is during most of a normal summer here in Maine. So weird. Pizza!!!

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