Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sunshine & Fishy Water

I took yesterday off. No computer stuff. Just email. And I didn't even try to download any pictures. I just needed to "step away" from it for a period of time. My lunch with J was great. The food was good and the conversation nice and friendly. I had been tempted to reschedule (because of the vacation) but didn't. I was happy I hadn't because during lunch J admitted I am her only "lunch friend". How horrible if I had cancelled, huh?

G has gone to a breakfast meeting with his bank advisors. G has a list of investments he no longer wants to own. The bankers don't like G thinking for himself so these meetings are usually only partially productive. I went to one and, let me just say, never again.

We did manage to eat dinner out yesterday. We had Memphis barbecue. I ate a whole pile of meat products and cole slaw. No carbs. And drank lots of water. I felt VERY full. Today we are having breakfast and then lunch at 3 pm. G wants to have frozen butterscotch custard and chocolate chips while watching Survivor. He'll be calling that dinner. We read that two Survivor contestants get hurt tonight and may not be able to continue. The SuperStars are usually real crybabies. Rupert, Coach, James, Stephanie, Russell, Sugar and possibly Richard Hatch fresh out of prison. What's not to like about that lineup? I wonder if anyone (smart enough) will chop up the fresh coconut meat and boil it in water to make a fat filled coconut milk to drink? I wonder this every season.

I haven't journaled in my pen and paper journal for a few days, so I need to do that today. And draw a flower in the little red leather book. A newspaper gardener recommends "fishy" water to fertilize my indoor plants at this period in time. More light. More stress. I already sprayed the plants with Sevin to control the dirt gnats that are flying around them. I sprayed upstairs and not here where I live and breathe in and out. I sprayed and quickly shut the door. I might mix up some "fishy" water for the upstairs plants and shut the door even more quickly. "Fishy" water is fish emulsion (oh, doesn't that sound yummy?) mixed with water. Do they put fish and seaweed in a big blender to make emulsion? Now, that's a job too horrible to contemplate. But it also could be that thick, green stuff on the bottom of the fish tank. The stuff you have to scoop out when you clean the tank. Fish poop.

Which reminds me that everything is now functioning normally in my lower digestive track.

Yesterday, after dinner, G & I stopped in at TJ Maxx and Big Lots to just walk around and see what they had. Nothing at the Maxx but Big Lots had the little Italian bowtie (Farfalle) pasta we adore, so I bought all 19 bags. And then needed to find a Sterlite container to store them all in. This imported pasta is made out of Italian flour and water. Period. And tastes divine. Chewy and dense and delicious. And now I can serve it 19 times.

In case anyone is wondering, we haven't gotten even one tiny flake of snow in all this horrible weather in the Northeast. Today it's going to be 37. Which is Spring here in my part of Maine. And the sun just keeps shining. And the streets are clear and dry. It's like living in an alternate universe. We watch the weather pictures on the news and just can't quite believe it. By Valentine's Day, winter is nearly over. Life is good up here in Maine.


  1. 37 degrees in Maine, 27 degrees in Kentucky. More snow due Sunday night here. Happy for you. Happy for me, too, but I'll be glad when it's 37 degrees here.

  2. Glad to hear about your digestive tract!!
    We got your snow here. All 15 inches of it. Could you come and get it?
    I've got some stuff to send you-e-mail me your address. Hopefully I can get out next week to the post office. Spring can't come soon enough. It gets warm during the day and melts into a lovely luge on my 200 ft. hilltop driveway. Just in time for the Olympics...not. As I'm sure you know, 4-wheel drive means nothing on ice.
    Survivor was fun. Not sure I can stand the romantic notion of Coach and Gerrie. Nauseating yes???
