Saturday, January 02, 2010

Let's See What I Got Done

I re potted this Christmas cactus. The victim of that "I've been knocked over and I can't get up" accident when I was trying to take a winter yard photo. The pot was too small and the plant was top heavy and was tipping over all the time. Now it's planted in a heavy WIDE pot.

Here are all the innocent branches that broke off in the "accident". In their own clay pot. I also put the yellow cactus branches that I got when N repotted her plant, in a clay pot. I even pre-soaked the clay pots in water. Very professional.

This is my blooming orchid in the bedroom. On the dusted dresser. Those are pieces of my wastebasket art on the wall. All the fabric bits are from the wastebasket. Usually, the top of the dresser is piled high with socks.

I worked on the linen closet today and all the sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers are now in neat organized stacks. I even have the linen sheet sets separated from the cotton sets. The vintage yardage is in neat piles on the top shelf. I have all the towels rolled up and squeezed into a nice basket that sits on the closet floor. The couch slipcovers are folded neatly on a shelf. Not on the floor in the office. (well, the white ones are still in a pile on the floor because I haven't gone to the laundromat to wash them yet). I have three more very large bags for Goodwill. Duvet covers, sheets, pillowcases etc.I also have vintage and older textiles to take to the resale shop in town. Mostly stuff I bought in Europe. I'm more shabby now. Less chic.

It snowed all day today. Most everything in Maine has closed until Monday. So I will have to wait until Monday to drag all this stuff to Goodwill. It's a big pile.

I boiled up some dry black eyed peas and mixed them with diced onion, jalapeno, olive oil, salt and lime juice. I could live on that stuff. So good. We had leftover Gas Betty for dinner.

I'm reading the second Henning Mankell book. Two bodies found floating in a red rubber raft. The Russians. And Wallander is thinking of changing jobs. G and Riley are sound asleep. I think I'll go join them in the living room and read my book. Tomorrow? If I continue to clear things out, I need more bags. Target or Walmart? Chinese Lunch sounds like something I might want, also, tomorrow.

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