Sunday, October 11, 2009

More Sunday

I now wish I did not live at the far end of a dead end street. I wish I lived on a high traffic street so I could publicize my political view point to all passing cars.

From mid October to election day, here in Maine, I am taking notice of which homes are for or against equality in marriage for all citizens of this United States of America. And I would love to be helping the cause with my own signs. There is also a nasty race for Town Council to add spice to the season!

In Georgia, I noticed most telephone poles had a very nice "Obama Bin Lying" stapled to them. At first I thought it was Bin Laden. And I noticed, in the Atlanta airport, much disgust amongst the "white folk" whenever the President was on camera on CNN. And not so much applause as departing Army left for Iraq or Afghanistan. When Bush was President there was so much hoopla at the airport you would have thought Bush was walking by with the troops.

And on a less political note, while doing my usual grocery shopping I noticed an increase of an average of 10 cents per item across the board. Prices never went down after the $4 gas thing and now it seems, prices just go up every few months. My cereal was on the shelf. 6 boxes. So I took 4. Was $1.89 all summer and now $1.99. Frozen orange juice was $1.85 and is now $2.15 a can. The New York Times was $5 and is now $6. My sugar free Jello was $1.09 last week and is now $1.19 a box. Sugar was $2.50 for 5 #'s like usual. Chicken breasts were 99 cents a pound. I didn't buy any. I'm trying to empty the freezer cause I'm going to buy a new refrigerator someday soon.

The leftovers from my pot roast were delicious this evening. All I had to do was heat everything up. Easy.

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