Wednesday, September 09, 2009

09- 09- 09

And it's a Wednesday. Potent. Portent. (foreshadowing a coming event) Potential. In every way a very powerful day, today. And a beautiful day. Sunshine and cooler temperatures.

I have a number of mundane tasks to accomplish on this Wednesday. Checks to write, bills to pay, groceries to buy, dog to walk, books to pick up at the library and finally dinner to prepare. Nothing that I actually want to do today.

My friend sent an email this morning and she is going for her daily walk and then sitting outside and reading. She has created an outdoor room and goes there as often as possible with her breakfast (coffee and a banana) and reads. She has read her way through two series of books that I know of. I did this once upon a time. One winter. I read books and ate grilled cheese and pickle sandwiches. I would read a book straight through. Then turn back to the first page and begin again. All day long and into the night. I was seriously depressed. My friend isn't depressed. Isn't it interesting that two people could do the same thing for such different emotional reasons? She is happy. I was not.

Each work day, I drive past a house with a For Sale/Sale Pending sign out front. It seems like it has been that way longer than my house in Ohio has been Sale Pending. I watch for any sign that the house is changing hands. I wonder if my house in Ohio will change hands. My agent in Ohio says things may take longer than September 18. She mentions praying but says I shouldn't postpone my vacation plans. Whatever will be, will be. I remain pessimistically optimistic. All the work on the house waits for final mortgage approval. Then they will begin. So there are a number of people waiting, along with me.

Today I am not as welcoming of what is being placed in my "empty bowl". But, then, I believe even Zen monks have to learn to be accepting of what is placed in their empty bowls. Accept and be nourished by what is placed in the bowl each day. Acceptance.

1 comment:

  1. I read your post yesterday and thought to myself, "My bowl is so not empty." Yesterday was rough. But today is better.

    I love this empty bowl idea. Full and empty are two sides of the same idea, don't you think?
