Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Just For Myself Wednesday

Today the dog went to day care and I went out looking for a good time. It wasn't easy. I'm not used to having a good time by myself. All of my activities were predicated by the showing time for Julie & Julia at 1 pm. It was PERFECTION. In fact, if they allowed such things, I would have stayed in my seat and watched it all over again. It was that beautiful to watch. The colors, clothes and food in such pretty blues, reds, and creamy yellows.

I wish I had had time for a better lunch. I wish I could have had lunch at 111 Maine. But I did get the new Sharpie pens I wanted with a $6 coupon at Staples so they cost $1.04. And I found a lovely silk tie for G at Goodwill for one dollar. And I got the lovely white with graphite gray stripe Calvin Klein men's shirt that I had wanted, for ten dollars on clearance. I look very nice in gray.

The weather was decently cool last night but warmed up and got humid again today. I'm contemplating turning on the A/C as the sky continues to darken (4:30) this afternoon. I need to turn on the house lights. And if it starts to rain, I will have to close the windows.

No West Wing today. Bravo showed a movie this morning instead. My DVD of the first season of Life arrived. Pretty thin. And I noticed that there have been two seasons of Mad Men and I got a very late start. Anyone out there know the best solution to seeing the seasons I have missed? I don't think I want to buy them at $49 each. The Life season one was only $18.99. Probably because there are only 8 hours on the disc.

Time for an iced coffee.


  1. I've heard great things about Mad Men too. You can rent them at Blockbuster. That's how I watched Season One of LOST.

    I'm am so happy you enjoyed J and J. It looks delightful.

  2. I got mine at Blockbuster. I really wish I could get them some other way but I can't afford the sets. Now our library has them so that's a good thing. I haven't looked at HULU but they have so much for free that you might try that. I told Roger about it and found him glued to the computer all weekend catching up with old episodes of several programs. A lot is free without having to sign up.
    I used to read Julie's blog when she started the Julia thing several years ago. Can't wait to see the movie as I adored Julia.

  3. I loved that movie too, and I know I'll watch it again some day, rare for me. I was reading movie reviews tonight and was amazed that it had a "C" rating - I'd have given it an "A" for sure. I enjoy going to movies by myself, I can just concentrate on what I'm watching, no comments from anyone.
